►Ndetail | |
CJoiner | |
CLoad16 | |
CLoad32 | |
CLoad64 | |
CLoad8 | |
►NDivModByConstPrivate | Utility class to optimize 64-bit divide/module by a 32-bit constant |
CReduce0Result | |
CReduce1Result | |
CReduce2Result | |
►NEndian | |
CBig | |
CBig< uint16_t > | |
CBig< uint32_t > | |
CBig< uint8_t > | |
CByteSwap | |
CConvBig | |
CConvBig< false > | |
CConvBig< true > | |
CConvLittle | |
CConvLittle< false > | |
CConvLittle< true > | |
CEndianT | |
CIdent | |
CLittle | |
CLittle< uint16_t > | |
CLittle< uint32_t > | |
CLittle< uint8_t > | |
CUA_B16 | |
CUA_B32 | |
CUA_L16 | |
CUA_L24 | |
CUA_L32 | |
►Ngl | |
CBufferObject | |
CColorTexture | |
CContext | |
CFragmentShader | Wrapper around an OpenGL fragment shader: a program executed on the GPU that computes the colors of pixels |
CFrameBufferObject | |
CmatMxN | |
CNull | |
CPixelBuffer | Wrapper around a pixel buffer |
CShader | Wrapper around an OpenGL shader: a program executed on the GPU |
CShaderProgram | Wrapper around an OpenGL program: a collection of vertex and fragment shaders |
CTexture | Most basic/generic texture: only contains a texture ID |
CvecN | |
CvecN< 2, T > | |
CvecN< 3, T > | |
CvecN< 4, T > | |
CVertexShader | Wrapper around an OpenGL vertex shader: a program executed on the GPU that computes per-vertex stuff |
►Nhash_set_impl | |
CElement | |
CExtractFirst | |
CPool | |
CPoolIndex | |
►Nim | |
CScopedFont | |
CWindowStatus | |
►NLZ4 | |
CHashImpl | |
CHashImpl< false, false > | |
CHashImpl< false, true > | |
CHashImpl< true, ARCH64 > | |
►NMath | |
CQuotientRemainder | Divide one integer by another, rounding towards minus infinity |
►Nopenmsx | This file implemented 3 utility functions: |
►Ndetail | |
CGetArg | |
CGetArg< bool > | |
CGetArg< double > | |
CGetArg< int > | |
CGetArg< std::optional< T > > | |
CGetArg< std::string > | |
CGetArg< std::string_view > | |
CGetArg< std::vector< T > > | |
CGetArg< TclObject > | |
►NDiskImageUtils | |
CCHS | |
CFatTimeDate | |
CSetBootSectorResult | |
►NFAT | |
CCluster | |
CEndOfChain | |
CFree | |
►NFAT12 | |
CToClusterNumber | |
►NFAT16 | |
CToClusterNumber | |
►NFileOperations | |
CFClose | |
►NMemoryOps | |
CAllocMap | Aligned memory (de)allocation |
►NPNG | Utility functions to hide the complexity of saving to a PNG file |
CPNGReadHandle | |
CPNGWriteHandle | |
►NVDPAccessSlots | |
CAccessTable | |
CCalculator | VDP-VRAM access slot calculator, meant to be used in the inner loops of the VDPCmdEngine commands |
CCycleTable | |
CZeroTable | |
►NYM2413Burczynski | |
CChannel | |
CSlot | |
CYM2413 | |
►NYM2413NukeYKT | |
CYM2413 | |
►NYM2413Okazaki | |
CChannel | |
CPatch | |
CSlot | |
CYM2413 | |
►NYM2413OriginalNukeYKT | |
CYM2413 | |
►Nyuv2rgb | |
CCoefs | |
CAbstractIDEDevice | |
CActivateMachineCommand | |
CAddRemoveUpdate | |
CAdjustWindowInMainViewPort | |
CADVram | Implementation of direct cpu access to VRAM |
CAfterCmd | |
CAfterCommand | |
CAfterEmuTimePred | |
CAfterIdleCmd | |
CAfterInputEventCmd | |
CAfterInputEventPred | |
CAfterRealTimeCmd | |
CAfterSimpleEventCmd | |
CAfterSimpleEventPred | |
CAfterTimeCmd | |
CAfterTimedCmd | |
CAfterTimedEvent | Send when an after-EmuTime command should be executed |
CAlignedBuffer | |
CAlignedByteArray | |
CAllowEmptyCond | |
CAllowEmptyCond< DebugCondition > | |
CAllShortcutInfo | |
►CAmdFlash | |
CAddressValue | |
CAutoSelect | |
►CCFI | |
►CPrimaryAlgorithm | |
CSupply | |
CVersion | |
►CSystemInterface | |
CMaxTimeoutMultiplier | |
CSupply | |
CTypicalTimeout | |
CChip | |
CGeometry | |
CMisc | |
CProgram | |
CRegion | |
CSector | |
CValidatedChip | |
CAndOp | |
CArchiveBase | |
CArgsInfo | |
CArkanoidPad | |
CArkanoidState | |
CAudioFragment | |
CAudioInputConnector | |
CAudioInputDevice | |
CAutofire | Autofire is a device that is between two other devices and outside the bus |
CAutofireStateChange | |
CAviRecorder | |
CAviWriter | |
CAY8910 | This class implements the AY-3-8910 sound chip |
CAY8910Periphery | Models the general purpose I/O ports of the AY8910 |
CBaseBpType | |
CBaseBpType< BreakPoint > | |
CBaseBpType< DebugCondition > | |
CBaseBpType< std::shared_ptr< WatchPoint > > | |
CBaseClassName | Stores the name of a base class |
CBaseSetting | |
CBeerIDE | |
CBitmapConverter | Utility class for converting VRAM contents to host pixels |
CBlipBuffer | |
CBooleanJoystickAxis | |
CBooleanJoystickButton | |
CBooleanJoystickHat | |
CBooleanKeyboard | |
CBooleanMouseButton | |
CBooleanSetting | |
CBootBlocks | |
CBootEvent | Sent when the MSX resets or powers up |
CBpLine | |
CBreakEvent | |
CBreakPoint | |
CBreakPointBase | CRTP base class for CPU break and watch points |
CCacheLines | |
CCanonFDC | |
CCanonWordProcessor | |
CCarnivore2 | |
CCartridgeSlotManager | |
►CCasImage | Code based on "cas2wav" tool by Vincent van Dam |
CData | |
CCassetteDevice | |
CCassetteImage | |
CCassettePlayer | |
CCassettePlayerCLI | |
CCassettePlayerCommand | |
CCassettePort | |
CCassettePortInterface | |
CCDImageCLI | |
CCDXCommand | |
CChakkariCopy | |
CCharacterConverter | Utility class for converting VRAM contents to host pixels |
CCheckedRam | This class keeps track of which bytes in the Ram have been written to |
CCircuitDesignerRDDongle | |
CCircularBuffer | |
CClassLoader | |
CClassSaver | |
CCliComm | |
CCliCommandEvent | Command received on CliComm connection |
CCliConnection | |
CCliExtension | |
CCLIFileType | |
CCliListener | |
CCLIOption | |
CCliServer | |
CClock | Represents a clock with a fixed frequency |
CClockPin | |
CClockPinListener | |
CCodecVector | |
CColecoJoystickIO | |
CColecoSuperGameModule | |
CCollectionLoader | |
CCollectionLoaderHelper | |
CCollectionLoaderHelper< sac, false > | |
CCollectionLoaderHelper< sac, true > | |
CCollectionSaver | |
CCommand | |
CCommandCompleter | |
CCommandController | |
CCommandException | |
CCommandLineParser | |
►CCompleter | |
CAtLeast | |
CBetween | |
CPrefix | |
►CCompressedFileAdapter | |
CDecompressed | |
CCondC | |
CCondM | |
CCondNC | |
CCondNZ | |
CCondP | |
CCondPE | |
CCondPO | |
CCondTrue | |
CCondZ | |
CConfigException | |
CConfigInfo | |
CConnector | Represents something you can plug devices into |
►CConsoleLine | This class represents a single text line in the console |
CChunk | |
CCounter | |
CCPUBase | |
CCPUClock | |
CCPUCore | |
CCPURegs | |
CCRC16 | This class calculates CRC numbers for the polygon x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1 |
CCreateMachineCommand | |
CCreator | Utility to do T* t = new T(...) |
CCT_Interval | |
CCurrentSlot | |
CCursorInfo | |
CDACSound16S | |
CDACSound8U | |
CDalSoRiR2 | |
CDBParser | |
CDCFilter | |
CDebugCondition | General debugger condition Like breakpoints, but not tied to a specific address |
CDebugDevice | |
CDebuggable | |
CDebuggableEditor | |
CDebugger | |
CDefaultConstructVariant | |
CDeflicker | |
CDeinterlacedFrame | Produces a deinterlaced video frame based on two other FrameSources (typically two RawFrames) containing the even and odd field |
CDeleteMachineCommand | |
CDeltaBlock | |
CDeltaBlockCopy | |
CDeltaBlockDiff | |
CDeviceConfig | |
CDeviceFactory | |
CDeviceInfo | |
CDirAsDSK | |
CDirEntryForCluster | |
CDirScanner | |
►CDisk | |
CTSS | |
CDiskChanger | |
CDiskCommand | |
CDiskContainer | |
CDiskDrive | This (abstract) class defines the DiskDrive interface |
CDiskFactory | |
CDiskImageCLI | |
CDiskIOErrorException | |
►CDiskManipulator | |
CDriveAndPartition | |
CDiskName | |
CDiskPartition | |
CDisplay | Represents the output window/screen of openMSX |
CDisplayMode | Represents a VDP display mode |
CDivModBySame | Helper class to divide multiple times by the same number |
CDMKDiskImage | DMK disk image |
CDmkHeader | |
CDoneTodo | |
CDoubledFrame | Produces a video frame that has every line from the input frame twice plus a possibly repeated line at the top |
CDriveEmptyException | |
CDriveMultiplexer | This class connects to a FDC as a normal DiskDrive and delegates all requests to one of four other DiskDrives |
CDSKDiskImage | |
CDummyAudioInputDevice | |
CDummyAY8910Periphery | |
CDummyCassetteDevice | |
CDummyCassettePort | |
CDummyDevice | |
CDummyDisk | |
CDummyDrive | This class implements a not connected disk drive |
CDummyIDEDevice | |
CDummyJoystick | |
CDummyJoystickPort | |
CDummyMidiInDevice | |
CDummyMidiOutDevice | |
CDummyOp | |
CDummyPrinterPortDevice | |
CDummyRenderer | Dummy Renderer |
CDummyRS232Device | |
CDummyScopedChange | |
CDummySCSIDevice | |
CDummyVideoSystem | |
CDummyVRAMObserver | |
CDummyY8950KeyboardDevice | |
►CDynamicClock | Represents a clock with a variable frequency |
CIntegralFractional | Like getTicksTill(), but also returns the fractional part (in range [0, 1)) |
CEdgeHQ | |
CEdgeHQLite | |
CEEPROM_93C46 | |
CEmptyDiskPatch | |
CEmptyPatch | |
CEmuDuration | |
CEmuDurationCompactStorage | |
CEmuTimer | |
CEmuTimerCallback | |
CEndLogEvent | |
Cenum_string | |
CEnumLoader | |
CEnumSaver | |
CEnumSetting | |
►CEnumSettingBase | |
CMapEntry | |
CEnumToolTip | |
CEqualEvent | |
CEqualRTSchedulable | |
CEqualSchedulable | |
CEventBase | |
CEventDelay | This class is responsible for translating host events into MSX events |
CEventDistributor | |
CEventListener | |
CExitCommand | |
CExtCmd | |
CFastForwardHelper | |
CFatalError | |
CFile | |
CFileBase | |
CFileContext | |
CFileDropEvent | |
CFileException | |
CFilename | This class represents a filename |
CFilenameSetting | |
CFileNotFoundException | |
CFilePool | |
►CFilePoolCore | |
CDir | |
CFinishFrameEvent | This event is send when a device (v99x8, v9990, video9000, laserdisc) reaches the end of a frame |
CFirmwareSwitch | |
CFixedPoint | A fixed point number, implemented by a 32-bit signed integer |
CFloatSetting | A Setting with a floating point value |
CFraelSwitchableROM | |
CFrame | |
CFrameDrawnEvent | Sent when a FINISH_FRAME caused a redraw of the screen |
CFrameSource | Interface for getting lines from a video frame |
CGetClipboardCommand | |
CGetIfEventHelper | |
CGetIfEventHelper< JoystickEvent > | |
CGetIfEventHelper< KeyEvent > | |
CGetIfEventHelper< SdlEvent > | |
CGetSettingDescription | |
CGetSha1 | |
CGetURLFromDecompressed | |
CGLDefaultScaler | |
CGLHQScaler | |
CGLImage | |
CGlobalCliComm | |
CGlobalCommandController | |
CGlobalCommandControllerBase | |
CGlobalReadClient | |
CGlobalRWHelper | |
CGlobalSettings | This class contains settings that are used by several other class (including some singletons) |
CGlobalWriteClient | |
CGLRGBScaler | |
CGLScaleNxScaler | |
CGLScaler | Abstract base class for OpenGL scalers |
CGLScopedClip | |
CGLSimpleScaler | |
CGLSnow | Snow effect for background layer |
CGLTVScaler | |
CGoudaSCSI | |
CGraphic4Mode | Represents V9938 Graphic 4 mode (SCREEN5) |
CGraphic5Mode | Represents V9938 Graphic 5 mode (SCREEN6) |
CGraphic6Mode | Represents V9938 Graphic 6 mode (SCREEN7) |
CGraphic7Mode | Represents V9938 Graphic 7 mode (SCREEN8) |
CGroupEvent | |
CGZFileAdapter | |
CHardwareConfig | |
CHasAddress | |
CHasAddress< DebugCondition > | |
CHashPair | |
CHD | |
CHDCommand | |
CHDImageCLI | |
►CHotKey | |
CData | |
CHotKeyInfo | |
CI8251 | |
CI8251Interface | |
CI8254 | |
CI8255 | |
CI8255Interface | |
CIDEDevice | |
CIDLoader | |
CIDSaver | |
CII | |
►CImagePrinter | |
CFontInfo | |
CImagePrinterEpson | |
CImagePrinterMSX | |
CImGui_SDL_Key | |
CImGuiActiveEvent | |
CImGuiBitmapViewer | |
CImGuiBreakPoints | |
CImGuiCharacter | |
CImGuiCheatFinder | |
CImGuiConnector | |
CImGuiConsole | |
CImGuiDebugger | |
CImGuiDelayedActionEvent | |
CImGuiDisassembly | |
CImGuiDiskManipulator | |
CImGuiHelp | |
CImGuiKeyboard | |
CImGuiLayer | |
►CImGuiMachine | |
CMachineInfo | |
CImGuiManager | |
►CImGuiMedia | |
CCartridgeMediaInfo | |
CCassetteMediaInfo | |
CDiskMediaInfo | |
CExtensionInfo | |
CItemGroup | |
CMediaItem | |
►CImGuiMessages | |
CMessage | |
CImGuiOpenFile | |
CImGuiOsdIcons | |
CImGuiPalette | |
CImGuiPart | |
CImGuiPartInterface | |
CImGuiReverseBar | |
CImGuiSCCViewer | |
CImGuiSettings | |
CImGuiSoundChip | |
CImGuiSpriteViewer | |
►CImGuiSymbols | |
CFileInfo | |
CImGuiTools | |
CImGuiTrainer | |
CImGuiVdpRegs | |
CImGuiWatchExpr | |
CImGuiWaveViewer | |
CImpOp | |
CIncrByteAddr4 | Incremental address calculation (byte based, no extended VRAM) |
CIncrByteAddr5 | |
CIncrByteAddr6 | |
CIncrByteAddr7 | |
CIncrMask4 | Incremental mask calculation |
CIncrMask5 | |
CIncrMask7 | |
CIncrPixelAddr4 | Incremental address calculation (pixel-based) |
CIncrPixelAddr5 | |
CIncrPixelAddr6 | |
CIncrShift4 | |
CIncrShift5 | |
CIncrShift7 | |
CIndexLookup | |
CInfoCommand | |
CInfoTopic | |
CInitException | Thrown when a subsystem initialisation fails |
CInputArchiveBase | |
CInputArchiveBase2 | |
CInputBuffer | This class is complementary to the OutputBuffer class |
CInputEventGenerator | |
CIntegerSetting | A Setting with an integer value |
CInterpreter | |
CInterpreterOutput | |
CIntHelper | |
CIPSPatch | |
CIRQSource | Helper class for doing interrupt request (IRQ) administration |
Cis_primitive | |
Cis_primitive< bool > | |
Cis_primitive< char > | |
Cis_primitive< double > | |
Cis_primitive< float > | |
Cis_primitive< long double > | |
Cis_primitive< long long > | |
Cis_primitive< signed char > | |
Cis_primitive< signed int > | |
Cis_primitive< signed long > | |
Cis_primitive< signed short > | |
Cis_primitive< std::string > | |
Cis_primitive< unsigned char > | |
Cis_primitive< unsigned int > | |
Cis_primitive< unsigned long > | |
Cis_primitive< unsigned long long > | |
Cis_primitive< unsigned short > | |
CIsDirSector | |
CJoyMega | |
CJoyMegaState | |
CJoyPortDebuggable | |
CJoystickAxisMotionEvent | |
CJoystickButtonDownEvent | |
CJoystickButtonEvent | |
CJoystickButtonUpEvent | |
CJoystickDevice | |
CJoystickEvent | |
CJoystickHatEvent | |
CJoystickId | |
CJoystickManager | |
CJoystickPort | |
CJoystickPortIf | |
CJoyTap | This device is plugged in into the joy-ports and consolidates several other joysticks plugged into it |
CKeyboard | |
CKeyboardSettings | |
CKeyClick | |
CKeyCodeMsxMapping | |
CKeyCodeSetting | |
CKeyDownEvent | |
CKeyEvent | |
CKeyframeHeader | |
CKeyMatrixPosition | A position (row, column) in a keyboard matrix |
CKeyMatrixState | |
CKeyUpEvent | |
CKonamiUltimateCollection | |
CLaserdiscPlayer | |
CLaserdiscPlayerCLI | |
CLastDeltaBlocks | |
CLayer | Interface for display layers |
CLDDummyRenderer | |
CLDPixelRenderer | Generic implementation of a pixel-based Renderer |
CLDRasterizer | |
CLDRenderer | Abstract base class for LDRenderers |
CLDSDLRasterizer | Rasterizer using a frame buffer approach: it writes pixels to a single rectangular pixel buffer |
CLedStatus | |
CListExtCmd | |
CListMachinesCommand | |
CLoader | |
CLoadingIndicator | Used by a device to indicate when it is loading |
CLoadMachineCmd | |
CLocalFile | |
CLocalFileReference | Helper class to use files in APIs other than openmsx::File |
CLogoImage | |
CLSXCommand | |
CMachineActivatedEvent | Send when a machine is (de)activated |
CMachineCommand | |
CMachineDeactivatedEvent | |
CMachineExtensionInfo | |
CMachineLoadedEvent | Send when a (new) machine configuration is loaded |
CMachineMediaInfo | |
CMachineNameInfo | |
CMachineTypeInfo | |
CMagicKey | |
CMapConstrArgsCopy | |
CMapConstrArgsEmpty | |
CMapConstructorArguments | Define mapping between constructor arg list of base- and subclass |
CMB89352 | |
CMC6850 | |
CMediaInfoProvider | |
CMegaFlashRomSCCPlus | |
CMegaFlashRomSCCPlusSD | |
CMegaSCSI | |
CMemBuffer | This class manages the lifetime of a block of memory |
CMemInputArchive | |
CMemoryBufferFile | |
CMemOutputArchive | |
CMessageCommand | |
CMicrosolFDC | |
CMidiInALSA | |
CMidiInALSAEvent | |
CMidiInConnector | |
CMidiInCoreMidiEvent | |
CMidiInCoreMidiVirtualEvent | |
CMidiInDevice | |
CMidiInReader | |
CMidiInReaderEvent | |
CMidiInWindowsEvent | |
CMidiOutALSA | |
CMidiOutConnector | |
CMidiOutDevice | Pluggable that connects an MSX MIDI out port to a host MIDI device |
CMidiOutLogger | |
CMidiSessionALSA | Lists ALSA MIDI ports we can connect to |
CMixer | |
CMouse | |
CMouseButtonDownEvent | |
CMouseButtonEvent | |
CMouseButtonUpEvent | |
CMouseMotionEvent | |
CMouseState | |
CMouseWheelEvent | |
CMSXAudio | |
CMSXBootSector | |
CMSXBunsetsu | |
CMsxChar2Unicode | |
CMSXCielTurbo | |
CMSXCliComm | |
CMSXCommandController | |
CMSXCommandEvent | This class is used to for Tcl commands that directly influence the MSX state (e.g |
►CMSXCPUInterface | |
CScopedChangeWatchpoint | |
CMSXDevice | An MSXDevice is an emulated hardware component connected to the bus of the emulated MSX |
CMSXDeviceSwitch | |
►CMSXDirEntry | |
CAttribValue | |
CMSXE6Timer | |
CMSXEventDistributor | |
CMSXEventListener | |
CMSXException | |
CMSXFacMidiInterface | |
CMSXFmPac | |
CMSXHiResTimer | |
CMSXJoyState | |
CMSXJoystick | |
CMSXKanji | |
CMSXKanji12 | |
CMsxKeyScanMapping | Keyboard bindings |
CMSXMapperIO | |
CMSXMapperIOClient | |
CMSXMatsushita | |
CMSXMegaRam | |
CMSXMemoryMapper | |
CMSXMemoryMapperBase | |
CMSXMemoryMapperInterface | |
CMSXMidi | |
CMSXMirrorDevice | |
►CMSXMixer | |
►CSoundDeviceInfo | |
CChannelSettings | |
CMSXModem | |
CMSXMoonSound | |
CMSXMotherBoard | |
CMSXMultiDevice | |
CMSXMultiIODevice | |
CMSXMultiMemDevice | |
CMSXMusic | |
CMSXMusicBase | |
CMSXMusicWX | |
CMSXOPL3Cartridge | |
CMSXPac | |
CMSXPrinterPort | |
CMSXRam | |
CMSXResetStatusRegister | |
CMSXRom | |
CMSXRS232 | |
CMSXS1985 | |
CMSXS1990 | This class implements the MSX-engine found in a MSX Turbo-R (S1990) |
►CMSXSCCPlusCart | |
CMapperConfig | |
CMSXSwitchedDevice | |
►CMSXtar | |
CFreeSpaceResult | |
CMSXToshibaTcx200x | |
CMSXTurboRPause | This class implements the MSX Turbo-R pause key |
CMSXVictorHC9xSystemControl | |
CMSXWatchIODevice | |
CMSXYamahaSFG | |
CMusicalMemoryMapper | Memory mapper which also controls an SN76489AN sound chip |
CMusicModuleMIDI | |
CMusicModulePeriphery | |
CNationalFDC | |
CNinjaTap | |
CNonBitmapMode | Represents V9958 non-bitmap command mode |
CNonPolymorphicPointerLoader | |
CNoSuchSectorException | |
CNotOp | |
CNowindCommand | |
CNowindHost | |
CNowindInterface | |
CNowindRomDisk | |
CNullScanner | |
CNullSoundDriver | |
CObserver | Generic Gang-of-Four Observer class, templatized edition |
COffScreenSurface | This class installs a FrameBufferObject (FBO) |
COggReader | |
COldXMLElement | |
COpenMSX_Icon | |
COptionalIRQ | |
COrOp | |
COsdControlEvent | OSD events are triggered by other events |
COsdControlPressEvent | |
COsdControlReleaseEvent | |
COSDGUILayer | |
COSDImageBasedWidget | |
COSDRectangle | |
COSDText | |
COSDTopWidget | |
►COSDWidget | |
CBoundingBox | |
COutputArchiveBase | |
COutputArchiveBase2 | |
COutputBuffer | Memory output buffer |
COutputSurface | A frame buffer where pixels can be written to |
CP1BackgroundPolicy | |
CP1ForegroundPolicy | |
CP1Policy | |
CP2Policy | |
CPaddle | |
CPaddleState | |
CPaletteLookup | |
CPanasonicAudioPeriphery | |
CPanasonicMemory | |
CPanasonicRam | |
CPaper | |
CParseAddrResult | |
CParsedSlotCond | |
CPartition | |
CPartitionTableNextor | |
CPartitionTableSunrise | |
CPasswordCart | |
CPatchInterface | |
CPersistentElement | |
CPersistentElement< C, bool > | |
CPersistentElement< C, float > | |
CPersistentElement< C, gl::ivec2 > | |
CPersistentElement< C, gl::vec2 > | |
CPersistentElement< C, gl::vec4 > | |
CPersistentElement< C, im::WindowStatus > | |
CPersistentElement< C, int > | |
CPersistentElement< C, std::string > | |
CPersistentElement< C, unsigned > | |
CPersistentElementBase | |
CPersistentElementEnum | |
CPersistentElementMax | |
CPersistentElementMinMax | |
CPhilipsFDC | |
CPioneerLDControl | |
CPixelOperations | |
CPixelRenderer | Generic implementation of a pixel-based Renderer |
CPlugException | Thrown when a plug action fails |
CPluggable | |
CPluggableFactory | |
CPluggingController | Central administration of Connectors and Pluggables |
CPointerLoader | |
CPointerLoader2 | |
CPointerSaver | |
CPoller | Polls for events on a given file descriptor |
CPolymorphicBaseClass | Store association between (polymorphic) sub- and base class |
CPolymorphicConstructorArgs | Store association between polymorphic class (base- or subclass) and the list of constructor arguments |
CPolymorphicInitializerRegistry | |
CPolymorphicLoaderRegistry | |
CPolymorphicPointerLoader | |
CPolymorphicSaverRegistry | |
CPostProcessor | A post processor builds the frame that is displayed from the MSX frame, while applying effects such as scalers, noise etc |
Cpower_of_two | A constexpr power_of_two struct for power of two numbers, with compact storage and built-in value correctness assertion |
CPreCacheFile | Read the complete file once and discard result |
CPrimitiveLoader | |
CPrimitiveSaver | |
CPrinterCore | |
CPrinterPortDevice | |
CPrinterPortLogger | |
CPrinterPortSimpl | |
CProbe | |
CProbe< void > | |
CProbeBase | |
CProbeBreakPoint | |
CProxyCmd | |
CProxySetting | |
CQuitEvent | |
►CR800TYPE | |
CNormalize | |
CRam | |
CRamDebuggable | |
CRamDSKDiskImage | |
CRasterizer | |
CRawFrame | A video frame as output by the VDP scanline conversion unit, before any postprocessing filters are applied |
►CRawTrack | |
CSector | |
CReactor | Contains the main loop of openMSX |
CReadDir | Simple wrapper around opendir() / readdir() / closedir() functions |
CReadOnlySetting | |
CRealDrive | This class implements a real drive, single or double sided |
CRealTime | |
CRealTimeInfo | |
CRecordedCommand | Commands that directly influence the MSX state should send and events so that they can be recorded by the event recorder |
CRect | |
CRectangle | |
CReduceResult | |
CRegFunction | |
CRegisterDescription | |
CRegisterInitializerHelper | |
CRegisterLoaderHelper | |
CRegisterSaverHelper | |
CRemoveExtCmd | |
CRenderer | Abstract base class for Renderers |
CRenderSettings | Class containing all settings for renderers |
CRenShaTurbo | Ren-Sha Turbo is the autofire in several MSX 2+ models and in the MSX turbo R |
CReplay | |
CReplayCLI | |
CReproCartridgeV1 | |
CReproCartridgeV2 | |
CResampleAlgo | |
CResampleBlip | |
CResampleCoeffs | |
CResampledSoundDevice | |
CResampleHQ | |
CResampleTrivial | |
CResetCmd | |
CRestoreMachineCommand | |
CReverseManager | |
CRom | |
CRomAlAlamiah30in1 | |
CRomArc | |
CRomAscii16_2 | |
CRomAscii16kB | |
CRomAscii16X | |
CRomAscii8_8 | |
CRomAscii8kB | |
CRomBlockDebuggable | |
CRomBlockDebuggableBase | |
CRomBlocks | |
CRomColecoMegaCart | |
CRomCrossBlaim | |
►CRomDatabase | |
CEntry | |
CRomDebuggable | |
CRomDooly | |
CRomDRAM | |
CRomFSA1FM1 | |
CRomFSA1FM2 | |
CRomGameMaster2 | |
CRomGeneric16kB | |
CRomGeneric8kB | |
CRomHalnote | |
CRomHarryFox | |
CRomHolyQuran | |
CRomHolyQuran2 | |
CROMHunterMk2 | |
►CRomInfo | |
CRomTypeInfo | |
CRomInfoTopic | |
CRomKonami | |
CRomKonamiKeyboardMaster | |
CRomKonamiSCC | |
CRomMajutsushi | |
CRomManbow2 | |
CRomMatraCompilation | |
CRomMatraInk | |
CRomMitsubishiMLTS2 | |
CRomMSXtra | |
CRomMSXWrite | |
CRomMultiRom | |
CRomNational | |
CRomNeo16 | |
CRomNeo8 | |
CRomNettouYakyuu | |
CRomPadial16kB | |
CRomPadial8kB | |
CRomPageNN | |
CRomPanasonic | |
CRomPlain | |
CRomPlayBall | |
CRomRamFile | |
CRomRetroHard31in1 | |
CRomRType | |
CRomSuperLodeRunner | |
CRomSuperSwangi | |
CRomSynthesizer | |
CRomTypeAndName | |
CRomTypeNameHash | |
CRomZemina126in1 | |
CRomZemina25in1 | |
CRomZemina80in1 | |
CRomZemina90in1 | |
CRP5C01 | |
CRS232Connector | |
CRS232Device | |
►CRS232Net | |
CNetworkSocketAddress | |
CRs232NetEvent | |
CRS232Tester | |
CRs232TesterEvent | |
CRTSchedulable | |
CRTScheduler | |
CRTSyncPoint | |
CSamplePlayer | |
CSanyoFDC | |
CSaver | |
CSaveStateCLI | |
CSC3000PPI | Connects SC-3000 peripherals to the PPI (8255) |
CScanCodeMsxMapping | |
CSCC | |
CSchedulable | Every class that wants to get scheduled at some point must inherit from this class |
CScheduler | |
CSchedulerQueue | |
CScopedLayerHider | |
CSCSIDevice | |
CSCSILS120 | |
CSdCard | |
CSdlEvent | |
CSDLKey | |
CSDLRasterizer | Rasterizer using a frame buffer approach: it writes pixels to a single rectangular pixel buffer |
CSDLSoundDriver | |
CSDLVideoSystem | |
CSectorAccessibleDisk | |
CSectorBasedDisk | Abstract class for disk images that only represent the logical sector information (so not the raw track data that is sometimes needed for copy-protected disks) |
CSectorBuffer | |
CSensorKid | |
CSerialDataInterface | |
Cserialize_as_collection | |
Cserialize_as_collection< cb_queue< T > > | |
Cserialize_as_collection< static_vector< T, N > > | |
Cserialize_as_collection< std::array< T, N > > | |
Cserialize_as_collection< std::deque< T > > | |
Cserialize_as_collection< std::vector< T > > | |
Cserialize_as_enum | Serialize_as_enum<T> |
Cserialize_as_pointer | |
Cserialize_as_pointer< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cserialize_as_pointer< std::unique_ptr< T > > | |
Cserialize_as_pointer< T * > | |
Cserialize_as_pointer_impl | |
Cserialize_as_stl_collection | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< bool > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< char > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< Clock< FREQ_NUM, FREQ_DENOM > > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< double > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< EmuDuration > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< float > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< int > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< long > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< long double > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< long long > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< short > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< signed char > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< std::array< T, N > > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< unsigned char > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< unsigned int > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< unsigned long > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< unsigned long long > | |
CSerializeAsMemcpy< unsigned short > | |
CSerializeClassVersion | Store serialization-version number of a class |
CSerializeClassVersion< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
CSerializeConstructorArgs | Serialize (local) constructor arguments |
CSerializeConstructorArgs< DiskChanger > | |
CSerializeConstructorArgs< HardwareConfig > | |
►CSerializer | |
CLoader | |
CSaver | |
CSetClipboardCommand | |
CSETetrisDongle | |
CSetting | |
CSettingObserver | |
CSettingsConfig | |
CSettingsManager | Manages all settings |
►CSettingsParser | |
CSetting | |
CShortcutItem | |
CSG1000JoystickIO | I/O port access to the joysticks for the Sega SG-1000 |
CSG1000Pause | This button is labeled "hold" on SG-1000, "pause" on SG-1000 mk 2 and "reset" on SC-3000 |
CSHA1 | Helper class to perform a sha1 calculation |
►CSha1Sum | This class represents the result of a sha1 calculation (a 160-bit value) |
CUninitializedTag | |
►CShortcuts | |
CShortcut | |
CShortcutWithRepeat | |
CSimpleDebuggable | |
CSimpleEvent | |
CSinTab | |
CSN76489 | This class implements the Texas Instruments SN76489 sound chip |
CSNPSG | Device that puts the Texas Instruments SN76489 sound chip at a fixed I/O address |
CSocketActivator | |
CSocketConnection | |
CSoftwareInfoTopic | |
►CSoundDevice | |
CAmplificationFactors | Gets this device its 'amplification factor' |
CSoundDriver | |
CSpectravideoFDC | |
CSpeedManager | Manages the desired ratio between EmuTime and real time |
CSplitAtChar | |
►CSpriteChecker | |
CSpriteInfo | Contains all the information to draw a line of a sprite |
CSpriteConverter | Utility class for converting VRAM contents to host pixels |
►CSRAM | |
CDontLoadTag | |
CStateChange | Base class for all external MSX state changing events |
CStateChangeDistributor | |
CStateChangeListener | |
CStdioConnection | |
CStdioMessages | |
CStereoFloat | |
CStoreMachineCommand | |
CStringSetting | |
CSubFunction | |
CSubject | Generic Gang-of-Four Subject class of the Observer pattern, templatized edition |
CSunriseIDE | |
CSuperImposedFrame | This class represents a frame that is the (per-pixel) alpha-blend of two other frames |
CSVIPrinterPort | |
CSwitchRendererEvent | |
CSymbol | |
CSymbolFile | |
CSymbolManager | |
CSymbolObserver | |
CSymbolRef | |
CSynchronizationPoint | |
CSyncPointBW | |
CSyntaxError | |
CTable | |
CTakeReverseSnapshotEvent | Used to schedule 'taking reverse snapshots' between Z80 instructions |
CTalentTDC600 | |
CTC8566AF | |
CTclCallback | |
CTclCallbackMessages | |
►CTclObject | |
CMakeDictTag | |
CMakeListTag | |
CTestMachineCommand | |
CTextEvent | |
CThrottleManager | Manages the throttle state of openMSX |
CTigerHash | This struct represents the result of a tiger-hash |
CTigerTree | Calculate a tiger-tree-hash |
CToshibaAudioPeriphery | |
CToshibaFDC | |
CTouchpad | |
CTouchpadState | |
CTrackball | |
CTrackballState | |
CTrackedRam | |
CTransparentOp | |
►CTTCacheEntry | |
CInfo | |
CTTData | The TigerTree class will query the to-be-hashed data via this abstract interface |
CTTFFont | |
CTTFFontPool | |
CTurboRFDC | |
►CUnicodeKeymap | |
CKeyInfo | |
CUnmapHostFiles | |
►CUserSettings | |
CInfo | |
►CV9990 | Implementation of the Yamaha V9990 VDP as used in the GFX9000 cartridge by Sunrise |
CGetPaletteResult | Get palette entry |
CV9990BitmapConverter | Utility class to convert VRAM content to host pixels |
CV9990CmdEngine | Command engine |
CV9990DisplayPeriod | A period, either horizontal or vertical, starts with a synchronisation pulse followed by a blank period |
CV9990DisplayTiming | |
CV9990DummyRenderer | |
CV9990P1Converter | |
CV9990P2Converter | |
CV9990PixelRenderer | Generic pixel based renderer for the V9990 |
CV9990Rasterizer | If this seems awfully familiar, take a look at Rasterizer.hh It's virtually the same class, but for a different video processor |
CV9990Renderer | Abstract base class for V9990 renderers |
CV9990SDLRasterizer | Rasterizer using SDL |
CV9990VRAM | Video RAM for the V9990 |
►CVariantSerializer | |
CLoader | |
CSaver | |
►CVDP | Unified implementation of MSX Video Display Processors (VDPs) |
CBlinkStateCount | Calculates what 'blinkState' and 'blinkCount' would be at a specific line |
CVDPCmdEngine | VDP command engine by Alex Wulms |
CVDPIODelay | |
CVDPVRAM | Manages VRAM contents and synchronizes the various users of the VRAM |
CVersion | |
CVertex | |
CVictorFDC | |
CVideo9000 | |
CVideoLayer | |
CVideoSourceActivator | |
CVideoSourceSetting | |
CVideoSystem | Video back-end system |
CVideoSystemChangeListener | |
CVisibleSurface | An OutputSurface which is visible to the user, such as a window or a full screen display |
CVLM5030 | |
CVRAMObserver | Interface that can be registered at VRAMWindow, to be called when the contents of the VRAM inside that window change |
CVramTable | |
CVRAMWindow | Specifies an address range in the VRAM |
►CWatchPoint | |
Cclone_tag | |
CWav16Writer | Writes 16-bit WAV files |
CWav8Writer | Writes 8-bit WAV files |
CWavAudioInput | |
CWavData | |
CWavImage | |
►CWavImageCache | |
CWavInfo | |
CWavWriter | Base class for writing WAV files |
CWD2793 | |
CWD2793BasedFDC | |
CWD33C93 | |
CWindowEvent | |
CWorkspaceBlock | |
CWriteProtectedException | |
CXMLAttribute | |
CXMLDocument | |
CXMLDocumentHandler | |
CXMLElement | |
CXMLException | |
CXmlInputArchive | |
CXmlOutputArchive | |
CXorOp | |
CXSADiskImage | |
CXSAExtractor | |
CXXTclHasher | |
CY8950 | |
CY8950Adpcm | |
CY8950KeyboardConnector | |
CY8950KeyboardDevice | |
CY8950Periphery | Models the 4 general purpose I/O pins on the Y8950 (controlled by registers r#18 and r#19) |
CY8950PeripheryFactory | |
CYamahaFDC | |
CYamahaSKW01 | |
CYamahaSKW01PrinterPort | |
CYamanooto | |
CYM2148 | |
CYM2151 | |
CYM2413 | |
CYM2413Core | Abstract interface for the YM2413 core |
CYMF262 | |
CYMF278 | |
CYMF278B | |
Cz80regPair | |
Cz80regPair_8bit | |
Cz80regPair_8bit< std::endian::big > | |
Cz80regPair_8bit< std::endian::little > | |
►CZ80TYPE | |
CNormalize | |
CZipFileAdapter | |
CZlibInflate | |
CZMBVEncoder | |
►NPerfectMinimalHash | |
CResult | |
►Nrapidsax | |
CNullHandler | |
CParseError | |
►Nsreg_impl | |
Csemiregular | |
Csemiregular< T & > | |
Csemiregular< T && > | |
Csemiregular_copy_assign | |
Csemiregular_move_assign | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Ctuple_element< I, gl::vecN< N, T > > | |
Ctuple_size< gl::vecN< N, T > > | |
►NstrCatImpl | |
CConcatFixedWidthBinIntegral | |
CConcatFixedWidthDecIntegral | |
CConcatFixedWidthHexIntegral | |
CConcatIntegral | |
CConcatSpaces | |
CConcatUnit | |
CConcatUnit< bool > | |
CConcatUnit< char > | |
CConcatUnit< std::string_view > | |
CConcatVariableWidthHexIntegral | |
CConcatViaString | |
CFastUnsignedImpl | |
CFastUnsignedImpl< long > | |
CFastUnsignedImpl< long long > | |
CFastUnsignedImpl< unsigned long > | |
CFastUnsignedImpl< unsigned long long > | |
►NStringOp | |
Ccasecmp | |
Ccaseless | |
Cinv_caseless | |
►NStringReplacer | |
►Ndetail | |
CFromTo | |
CPmhReplacer | |
►Nutf8 | |
►Nunchecked | |
Citerator | |
Cinvalid_code_point | |
Cinvalid_utf16 | |
Cinvalid_utf8 | |
Citerator | |
Cnot_enough_room | |
►Nview | |
►Ndetail | |
CDrop | |
CDropBack | |
CFilter | |
CFilteredIterator | |
CReverse | |
CTake | |
CTakeIterator | |
CTransform | |
CTransformIterator | |
CZip | |
CAdhocCliCommParser | |
Calways_true | |
Carray_with_enum_index | |
Ccb_iterator | This code is heavily based on boost circular_buffer: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/circular_buffer.html The interface of this version and the original boost version is (as much as possible identical) |
Ccb_queue | This implements a queue on top of circular_buffer (not part of boost) |
Ccircular_buffer | Circular buffer class, based on boost::circular_buffer/ |
CDigits | |
CDivModByConst | |
►Cdynarray | |
Cconstruct_from_range_tag | |
CEnumTypeName | |
CEnumValueName | |
CExampleAppConsole | |
CExampleAppDocuments | |
CExampleAppLog | |
CExampleAppPropertyEditor | |
CExampleAsset | |
CExampleAssetsBrowser | |
CExampleDualListBox | |
CExampleMemberInfo | |
CExampleSelectionWithDeletion | |
CExampleTreeNode | |
CF | |
CFFTReal | |
CFreeStringStorage | StringStorage: Acts like a 'const char*', but in addition calls free() when the pointer goes out of scope |
Cfrom_range_t | |
Cfunction_ref | |
Cfunction_ref< R(Args...)> | |
Cget_index | |
Cget_index< T, std::variant< Ts... > > | |
Cget_index_tag | |
Chash_map | |
►Chash_set | |
CIter | |
CImFontBuildDstDataFT | |
CImFontBuildSrcDataFT | |
CImFontBuildSrcGlyphFT | |
CImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Data | |
CImGui_ImplSDL2_Data | |
CImGui_ImplSDL2_ViewportData | |
CImGuiDemoWindowData | |
CImGuiDockContextPruneNodeData | |
CImGuiDockNodeSettings | |
CImGuiDockNodeTreeInfo | |
CImGuiDockPreviewData | |
CImGuiDockRequest | |
CImGuiPlotArrayGetterData | |
CImGuiResizeBorderDef | |
CImGuiResizeGripDef | |
CImGuiTabBarSection | |
CImTriangulator | |
CImTriangulatorNode | |
CImTriangulatorNodeSpan | |
Cinplace_buffer | |
CInputTextCallback_UserData | |
CIter | |
CIterableBitSet | IterableBitSet |
Citerator_range | |
Cmonotonic_allocator | |
CMyDocument | |
CMyType | |
►CObjectPool | |
CEmplaceResult | |
Cone_of | |
Copll_patch_t | |
Copll_t | |
Coptional_fixed_span | |
Coverloaded | |
CPCG | |
CProfileCounters | |
CProfileCounters< false, ENUM > | |
CS | |
Cscope_exit | |
CScopedAssign | Assign new value to some variable and restore the original value when this object goes out of scope |
CSDLDestroyRenderer | |
CSDLDestroyTexture | |
CSDLDestroyWindow | |
CSDLFreeFormat | |
CSDLFreeWav | |
CSDLSubSystemInitializer | |
CSDLSurfacePtr | Wrapper around a SDL_Surface |
CSimpleHashSet | |
Csmall_buffer | |
►Cstatic_string_view | Static_string_view |
Clifetime_ok_tag | |
Cstatic_vector | |
CStringLiteral | |
CTclParser | |
CTemporaryString | TemporaryString |
CTestWriter | |
CTracked | |
CTTTestData | |
Cuint128 | Unsigned 128-bit integer type |
Cuninitialized_tag | |
CXMLOutputStream | 'XMLOutputStream' is a helper to write an XML file in a streaming way |
►CXRange | |
CIter | |
CXXHasher | |
CXXHasher_IgnoreCase | |
Czstring_view | Like std::string_view, but with the extra guarantee that it refers to a zero-terminated string |