Go to the documentation of this file.
1#include "ImGuiSettings.hh"
3#include "ImGuiCpp.hh"
4#include "ImGuiManager.hh"
5#include "ImGuiMessages.hh"
6#include "ImGuiOsdIcons.hh"
7#include "ImGuiSoundChip.hh"
8#include "ImGuiUtils.hh"
10#include "BooleanInput.hh"
11#include "BooleanSetting.hh"
12#include "CPUCore.hh"
13#include "Display.hh"
14#include "EventDistributor.hh"
15#include "FileContext.hh"
16#include "FilenameSetting.hh"
17#include "FloatSetting.hh"
19#include "GlobalSettings.hh"
20#include "InputEventFactory.hh"
22#include "IntegerSetting.hh"
23#include "JoyMega.hh"
24#include "KeyCodeSetting.hh"
25#include "KeyboardSettings.hh"
26#include "Mixer.hh"
27#include "MSXCPU.hh"
29#include "MSXJoystick.hh"
30#include "MSXMotherBoard.hh"
31#include "ProxySetting.hh"
32#include "R800.hh"
33#include "Reactor.hh"
34#include "ReadOnlySetting.hh"
35#include "SettingsManager.hh"
36#include "StringSetting.hh"
37#include "Version.hh"
38#include "VideoSourceSetting.hh"
39#include "Z80.hh"
41#include "checked_cast.hh"
42#include "foreach_file.hh"
43#include "narrow.hh"
44#include "StringOp.hh"
45#include "unreachable.hh"
46#include "zstring_view.hh"
48#include <imgui.h>
49#include <imgui_stdlib.h>
51#include <SDL.h>
53#include <optional>
55using namespace std::literals;
57namespace openmsx {
61 deinitListener();
64void ImGuiSettings::save(ImGuiTextBuffer& buf)
66 savePersistent(buf, *this, persistentElements);
69void ImGuiSettings::loadLine(std::string_view name, zstring_view value)
71 loadOnePersistent(name, value, *this, persistentElements);
76 setStyle();
79void ImGuiSettings::setStyle() const
81 switch (selectedStyle) {
82 case 0: ImGui::StyleColorsDark(); break;
83 case 1: ImGui::StyleColorsLight(); break;
84 case 2: ImGui::StyleColorsClassic(); break;
85 }
86 setColors(selectedStyle);
89// Returns the currently pressed key-chord, or 'ImGuiKey_None' if no
90// (non-modifier) key is pressed.
91// If more than (non-modifier) one key is pressed, this returns an arbitrary key
92// (in the current implementation the one with lowest index).
93[[nodiscard]] static ImGuiKeyChord getCurrentlyPressedKeyChord()
95 static constexpr auto mods = std::array{
96 ImGuiKey_LeftCtrl, ImGuiKey_LeftShift, ImGuiKey_LeftAlt, ImGuiKey_LeftSuper,
97 ImGuiKey_RightCtrl, ImGuiKey_RightShift, ImGuiKey_RightAlt, ImGuiKey_RightSuper,
98 ImGuiKey_ReservedForModCtrl, ImGuiKey_ReservedForModShift, ImGuiKey_ReservedForModAlt,
99 ImGuiKey_ReservedForModSuper, ImGuiKey_MouseLeft, ImGuiKey_MouseRight, ImGuiKey_MouseMiddle,
100 ImGuiKey_MouseX1, ImGuiKey_MouseX2, ImGuiKey_MouseWheelX, ImGuiKey_MouseWheelY,
101 };
102 for (int key = ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN; key < ImGuiKey_NamedKey_END; ++key) {
103 // This is O(M*N), if needed could be optimized to be O(M+N).
104 if (contains(mods, key)) continue; // skip: mods can't be primary keys in a KeyChord
105 if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(static_cast<ImGuiKey>(key))) {
106 const ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
107 return key
108 | (io.KeyCtrl ? ImGuiMod_Ctrl : 0)
109 | (io.KeyShift ? ImGuiMod_Shift : 0)
110 | (io.KeyAlt ? ImGuiMod_Alt : 0)
111 | (io.KeySuper ? ImGuiMod_Super : 0);
112 }
113 }
114 return ImGuiKey_None;
119 bool openConfirmPopup = false;
121 im::Menu("Settings", [&]{
122 auto& reactor = manager.getReactor();
123 auto& globalSettings = reactor.getGlobalSettings();
124 auto& renderSettings = reactor.getDisplay().getRenderSettings();
125 const auto& settingsManager = reactor.getGlobalCommandController().getSettingsManager();
126 const auto& hotKey = reactor.getHotKey();
128 im::Menu("Video", [&]{
129 im::TreeNode("Look and feel", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen, [&]{
130 auto& scaler = renderSettings.getScaleAlgorithmSetting();
131 ComboBox("Scaler", scaler);
132 im::Indent([&]{
133 struct AlgoEnable {
135 bool hasScanline;
136 bool hasBlur;
137 };
139 static constexpr std::array algoEnables = {
140 // scanline / blur
141 AlgoEnable{SIMPLE, true, true },
142 AlgoEnable{SCALE, false, false},
143 AlgoEnable{HQ, false, false},
144 AlgoEnable{RGBTRIPLET, true, true },
145 AlgoEnable{TV, true, false},
146 };
147 auto it = ranges::find(algoEnables, scaler.getEnum(), &AlgoEnable::algo);
148 assert(it != algoEnables.end());
149 im::Disabled(!it->hasScanline, [&]{
150 SliderInt("Scanline (%)", renderSettings.getScanlineSetting());
151 });
152 im::Disabled(!it->hasBlur, [&]{
153 SliderInt("Blur (%)", renderSettings.getBlurSetting());
154 });
155 });
157 SliderInt("Scale factor", renderSettings.getScaleFactorSetting());
158 Checkbox(hotKey, "Deinterlace", renderSettings.getDeinterlaceSetting());
159 Checkbox(hotKey, "Deflicker", renderSettings.getDeflickerSetting());
160 });
161 im::TreeNode("Colors", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen, [&]{
162 SliderFloat("Noise (%)", renderSettings.getNoiseSetting());
163 SliderFloat("Brightness", renderSettings.getBrightnessSetting());
164 SliderFloat("Contrast", renderSettings.getContrastSetting());
165 SliderFloat("Gamma", renderSettings.getGammaSetting());
166 SliderInt("Glow (%)", renderSettings.getGlowSetting());
167 if (auto* monitor = dynamic_cast<Setting*>(settingsManager.findSetting("monitor_type"))) {
168 ComboBox("Monitor type", *monitor, [](std::string s) {
169 ranges::replace(s, '_', ' ');
170 return s;
171 });
172 }
173 });
174 im::TreeNode("Shape", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen, [&]{
175 SliderFloat("Horizontal stretch", renderSettings.getHorizontalStretchSetting(), "%.0f");
176 ComboBox("Display deformation", renderSettings.getDisplayDeformSetting());
177 });
178 im::TreeNode("Misc", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen, [&]{
179 Checkbox(hotKey, "Full screen", renderSettings.getFullScreenSetting());
180 if (motherBoard) {
181 ComboBox("Video source to display", motherBoard->getVideoSource());
182 }
183 Checkbox(hotKey, "VSync", renderSettings.getVSyncSetting());
184 SliderInt("Minimum frame-skip", renderSettings.getMinFrameSkipSetting()); // TODO: either leave out this setting, or add a tooltip like, "Leave on 0 unless you use a very slow device and want regular frame skipping");
185 SliderInt("Maximum frame-skip", renderSettings.getMaxFrameSkipSetting()); // TODO: either leave out this setting or add a tooltip like "On slow devices, skip no more than this amount of frames to keep emulation on time.");
186 });
187 im::TreeNode("Advanced (for debugging)", [&]{ // default collapsed
188 Checkbox(hotKey, "Enforce VDP sprites-per-line limit", renderSettings.getLimitSpritesSetting());
189 Checkbox(hotKey, "Disable sprites", renderSettings.getDisableSpritesSetting());
190 ComboBox("Way to handle too fast VDP access", renderSettings.getTooFastAccessSetting());
191 ComboBox("Emulate VDP command timing", renderSettings.getCmdTimingSetting());
192 ComboBox("Rendering accuracy", renderSettings.getAccuracySetting());
193 });
194 });
195 im::Menu("Sound", [&]{
196 auto& mixer = reactor.getMixer();
197 auto& muteSetting = mixer.getMuteSetting();
198 im::Disabled(muteSetting.getBoolean(), [&]{
199 SliderInt("Master volume", mixer.getMasterVolume());
200 });
201 Checkbox(hotKey, "Mute", muteSetting);
202 ImGui::Separator();
203 static constexpr std::array resamplerToolTips = {
204 EnumToolTip{"hq", "best quality, uses more CPU"},
205 EnumToolTip{"blip", "good speed/quality tradeoff"},
206 EnumToolTip{"fast", "fast but low quality"},
207 };
208 ComboBox("Resampler", globalSettings.getResampleSetting(), resamplerToolTips);
209 ImGui::Separator();
211 ImGui::MenuItem("Show sound chip settings", nullptr, &manager.soundChip->showSoundChipSettings);
212 });
213 im::Menu("Speed", [&]{
214 im::TreeNode("Emulation", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen, [&]{
215 ImGui::SameLine();
216 HelpMarker("These control the speed of the whole MSX machine, "
217 "the running MSX software can't tell the difference.");
219 auto& speedManager = globalSettings.getSpeedManager();
220 auto& fwdSetting = speedManager.getFastForwardSetting();
221 int fastForward = fwdSetting.getBoolean() ? 1 : 0;
222 ImGui::TextUnformatted("Speed:"sv);
223 ImGui::SameLine();
224 bool fwdChanged = ImGui::RadioButton("normal", &fastForward, 0);
225 ImGui::SameLine();
226 fwdChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton("fast forward", &fastForward, 1);
227 if (auto fastForwardShortCut = getShortCutForCommand(reactor.getHotKey(), "toggle fastforward");
228 !fastForwardShortCut.empty()) {
229 HelpMarker(strCat("Use '", fastForwardShortCut ,"' to quickly toggle between these two"));
230 }
231 if (fwdChanged) {
232 fwdSetting.setBoolean(fastForward != 0);
233 }
234 im::Indent([&]{
235 im::Disabled(fastForward != 0, [&]{
236 SliderFloat("Speed (%)", speedManager.getSpeedSetting(), "%.1f", ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic);
237 });
238 im::Disabled(fastForward != 1, [&]{
239 SliderFloat("Fast forward speed (%)", speedManager.getFastForwardSpeedSetting(), "%.1f", ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic);
240 });
241 });
242 Checkbox(hotKey, "Go full speed when loading", globalSettings.getThrottleManager().getFullSpeedLoadingSetting());
243 });
244 if (motherBoard) {
245 im::TreeNode("MSX devices", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen, [&]{
246 ImGui::SameLine();
247 HelpMarker("These control the speed of the specific components in the MSX machine. "
248 "So the relative speed between components can change. "
249 "And this may lead the emulation problems.");
251 MSXCPU& cpu = motherBoard->getCPU();
252 auto showFreqSettings = [&](std::string_view name, auto* core) {
253 if (!core) return;
254 auto& locked = core->getFreqLockedSetting();
255 auto& value = core->getFreqValueSetting();
256 // Note: GUI shows "UNlocked", while the actual settings is "locked"
257 bool unlocked = !locked.getBoolean();
258 if (ImGui::Checkbox(tmpStrCat("unlock custom ", name, " frequency").c_str(), &unlocked)) {
259 locked.setBoolean(!unlocked);
260 }
261 simpleToolTip([&]{ return locked.getDescription(); });
262 im::Indent([&]{
263 im::Disabled(!unlocked, [&]{
264 float fval = float(value.getInt()) / 1.0e6f;
265 if (ImGui::InputFloat(tmpStrCat("frequency (MHz)##", name).c_str(), &fval, 0.01f, 1.0f, "%.2f")) {
266 value.setInt(int(fval * 1.0e6f));
267 }
268 im::PopupContextItem(tmpStrCat("freq-context##", name).c_str(), [&]{
269 const char* F358 = name == "Z80" ? "3.58 MHz (default)"
270 : "3.58 MHz";
271 if (ImGui::Selectable(F358)) {
272 value.setInt(3'579'545);
273 }
274 if (ImGui::Selectable("5.37 MHz")) {
275 value.setInt(5'369'318);
276 }
277 const char* F716 = name == "R800" ? "7.16 MHz (default)"
278 : "7.16 MHz";
279 if (ImGui::Selectable(F716)) {
280 value.setInt(7'159'090);
281 }
283 });
284 HelpMarker("Right-click to select commonly used values");
285 });
286 });
287 };
288 showFreqSettings("Z80", cpu.getZ80());
289 showFreqSettings("R800", cpu.getR800()); // might be nullptr
290 });
291 }
292 });
293 im::Menu("Input", [&]{
294 static constexpr std::array kbdModeToolTips = {
295 EnumToolTip{"CHARACTER", "Tries to understand the character you are typing and then attempts to type that character using the current MSX keyboard. May not work very well when using a non-US host keyboard."},
296 EnumToolTip{"KEY", "Tries to map a key you press to the corresponding MSX key"},
297 EnumToolTip{"POSITIONAL", "Tries to map the keyboard key positions to the MSX keyboard key positions"},
298 };
299 if (motherBoard) {
300 const auto& controller = motherBoard->getMSXCommandController();
301 if (auto* turbo = dynamic_cast<IntegerSetting*>(controller.findSetting("renshaturbo"))) {
302 SliderInt("Ren Sha Turbo (%)", *turbo);
303 }
304 if (auto* mappingModeSetting = dynamic_cast<EnumSetting<KeyboardSettings::MappingMode>*>(controller.findSetting("kbd_mapping_mode"))) {
305 ComboBox("Keyboard mapping mode", *mappingModeSetting, kbdModeToolTips);
306 }
307 }
308 ImGui::MenuItem("Configure MSX joysticks...", nullptr, &showConfigureJoystick);
309 });
310 im::Menu("GUI", [&]{
311 auto getExistingLayouts = [] {
312 std::vector<std::string> names;
313 for (auto context = userDataFileContext("layouts");
314 const auto& path : context.getPaths()) {
315 foreach_file(path, [&](const std::string& fullName, std::string_view name) {
316 if (name.ends_with(".ini")) {
317 names.emplace_back(fullName);
318 }
319 });
320 }
322 return names;
323 };
324 auto listExistingLayouts = [&](const std::vector<std::string>& names) {
325 std::optional<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> selectedLayout;
326 im::ListBox("##select-layout", [&]{
327 for (const auto& name : names) {
328 auto displayName = std::string(FileOperations::stripExtension(FileOperations::getFilename(name)));
329 if (ImGui::Selectable(displayName.c_str())) {
330 selectedLayout = std::pair{name, displayName};
331 }
333 if (ImGui::MenuItem("delete")) {
334 confirmText = strCat("Delete layout: ", displayName);
335 confirmAction = [name]{ FileOperations::unlink(name); };
336 openConfirmPopup = true;
337 }
338 });
339 }
340 });
341 return selectedLayout;
342 };
343 im::Menu("Save layout", [&]{
344 if (auto names = getExistingLayouts(); !names.empty()) {
345 ImGui::TextUnformatted("Existing layouts"sv);
346 if (auto selectedLayout = listExistingLayouts(names)) {
347 const auto& [name, displayName] = *selectedLayout;
348 saveLayoutName = displayName;
349 }
350 }
351 ImGui::TextUnformatted("Enter name:"sv);
352 ImGui::InputText("##save-layout-name", &saveLayoutName);
353 ImGui::SameLine();
354 im::Disabled(saveLayoutName.empty(), [&]{
355 if (ImGui::Button("Save as")) {
356 (void)reactor.getDisplay().getWindowPosition(); // to save up-to-date window position
357 ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
359 auto filename = FileOperations::parseCommandFileArgument(
360 saveLayoutName, "layouts", "", ".ini");
361 if (FileOperations::exists(filename)) {
362 confirmText = strCat("Overwrite layout: ", saveLayoutName);
363 confirmAction = [filename]{
364 ImGui::SaveIniSettingsToDisk(filename.c_str());
365 };
366 openConfirmPopup = true;
367 } else {
368 ImGui::SaveIniSettingsToDisk(filename.c_str());
369 }
370 }
371 });
372 });
373 im::Menu("Restore layout", [&]{
374 ImGui::TextUnformatted("Select layout"sv);
375 auto names = getExistingLayouts();
376 if (auto selectedLayout = listExistingLayouts(names)) {
377 const auto& [name, displayName] = *selectedLayout;
378 manager.loadIniFile = name;
379 ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
380 }
381 });
382 ImGui::Separator();
383 im::Menu("Select style", [&]{
384 std::optional<int> newStyle;
385 static constexpr std::array names = {"Dark", "Light", "Classic"}; // must be in sync with setStyle()
386 for (auto i : xrange(narrow<int>(names.size()))) {
387 if (ImGui::Selectable(names[i], selectedStyle == i)) {
388 newStyle = i;
389 }
390 }
391 if (newStyle) {
392 selectedStyle = *newStyle;
393 setStyle();
394 }
395 });
396 ImGui::MenuItem("Select font...", nullptr, &showFont);
397 ImGui::MenuItem("Edit shortcuts...", nullptr, &showShortcut);
398 ImGui::MenuItem("Configure OSD icons...", nullptr, &manager.osdIcons->showConfigureIcons);
399 ImGui::MenuItem("Fade out menu bar", nullptr, &manager.menuFade);
400 im::Menu("Status bar", [&]{
401 ImGui::Checkbox("Show", &manager.statusBarVisible);
403 manager.configStatusBarVisibilityItems();
404 });
405 });
406 ImGui::MenuItem("Configure messages...", nullptr, &manager.messages->;
407 });
408 ImGui::Separator();
409 im::Menu("Advanced", [&]{
410 ImGui::TextUnformatted("All settings"sv);
411 ImGui::Separator();
412 std::vector<Setting*> settings;
413 for (auto* setting : settingsManager.getAllSettings()) {
414 if (dynamic_cast<ProxySetting*>(setting)) continue;
415 if (dynamic_cast<ReadOnlySetting*>(setting)) continue;
416 settings.push_back(checked_cast<Setting*>(setting));
417 }
419 for (auto* setting : settings) {
420 if (auto* bSetting = dynamic_cast<BooleanSetting*>(setting)) {
421 Checkbox(hotKey, *bSetting);
422 } else if (auto* iSetting = dynamic_cast<IntegerSetting*>(setting)) {
423 SliderInt(*iSetting);
424 } else if (auto* fSetting = dynamic_cast<FloatSetting*>(setting)) {
425 SliderFloat(*fSetting);
426 } else if (auto* sSetting = dynamic_cast<StringSetting*>(setting)) {
427 InputText(*sSetting);
428 } else if (auto* fnSetting = dynamic_cast<FilenameSetting*>(setting)) {
429 InputText(*fnSetting); // TODO
430 } else if (auto* kSetting = dynamic_cast<KeyCodeSetting*>(setting)) {
431 InputText(*kSetting); // TODO
432 } else if (dynamic_cast<EnumSettingBase*>(setting)) {
434 } else if (auto* vSetting = dynamic_cast<VideoSourceSetting*>(setting)) {
435 ComboBox(*vSetting);
436 } else {
437 assert(false);
438 }
439 }
440 });
441 });
443 const auto confirmTitle = "Confirm##settings";
444 if (openConfirmPopup) {
445 ImGui::OpenPopup(confirmTitle);
446 }
447 im::PopupModal(confirmTitle, nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize, [&]{
448 ImGui::TextUnformatted(confirmText);
450 bool close = false;
451 if (ImGui::Button("Ok")) {
452 confirmAction();
453 close = true;
454 }
455 ImGui::SameLine();
456 close |= ImGui::Button("Cancel");
457 if (close) {
458 ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
459 confirmAction = {};
460 }
461 });
466// joystick is 0..3
467[[nodiscard]] static std::string settingName(unsigned joystick)
469 return (joystick < 2) ? strCat("msxjoystick", joystick + 1, "_config")
470 : strCat("joymega", joystick - 1, "_config");
473// joystick is 0..3
474[[nodiscard]] static std::string joystickToGuiString(unsigned joystick)
476 return (joystick < 2) ? strCat("MSX joystick ", joystick + 1)
477 : strCat("JoyMega controller ", joystick - 1);
480[[nodiscard]] static std::string toGuiString(const BooleanInput& input, const JoystickManager& joystickManager)
482 return std::visit(overloaded{
483 [](const BooleanKeyboard& k) {
484 return strCat("keyboard key ", SDLKey::toString(k.getKeyCode()));
485 },
486 [](const BooleanMouseButton& m) {
487 return strCat("mouse button ", m.getButton());
488 },
489 [&](const BooleanJoystickButton& j) {
490 return strCat(joystickManager.getDisplayName(j.getJoystick()), " button ", j.getButton());
491 },
492 [&](const BooleanJoystickHat& h) {
493 return strCat(joystickManager.getDisplayName(h.getJoystick()), " D-pad ", h.getHat(), ' ', toString(h.getValue()));
494 },
495 [&](const BooleanJoystickAxis& a) {
496 return strCat(joystickManager.getDisplayName(a.getJoystick()),
497 " stick axis ", a.getAxis(), ", ",
498 (a.getDirection() == BooleanJoystickAxis::Direction::POS ? "positive" : "negative"), " direction");
499 }
500 }, input);
503[[nodiscard]] static bool insideCircle(gl::vec2 mouse, gl::vec2 center, float radius)
505 auto delta = center - mouse;
506 return gl::sum(delta * delta) <= (radius * radius);
508[[nodiscard]] static bool between(float x, float min, float max)
510 return (min <= x) && (x <= max);
513struct Rectangle {
517[[nodiscard]] static bool insideRectangle(gl::vec2 mouse, Rectangle r)
519 return between(mouse.x, r.topLeft.x, r.bottomRight.x) &&
520 between(mouse.y, r.topLeft.y, r.bottomRight.y);
524static constexpr auto fractionDPad = 1.0f / 3.0f;
525static constexpr auto thickness = 3.0f;
527static void drawDPad(gl::vec2 center, float size, std::span<const uint8_t, 4> hovered, int hoveredRow)
529 const auto F = fractionDPad;
530 std::array<std::array<ImVec2, 5 + 1>, 4> points = {
531 std::array<ImVec2, 5 + 1>{ // UP
532 center + size * gl::vec2{ 0, 0},
533 center + size * gl::vec2{-F, -F},
534 center + size * gl::vec2{-F, -1},
535 center + size * gl::vec2{ F, -1},
536 center + size * gl::vec2{ F, -F},
537 center + size * gl::vec2{ 0, 0},
538 },
539 std::array<ImVec2, 5 + 1>{ // DOWN
540 center + size * gl::vec2{ 0, 0},
541 center + size * gl::vec2{ F, F},
542 center + size * gl::vec2{ F, 1},
543 center + size * gl::vec2{-F, 1},
544 center + size * gl::vec2{-F, F},
545 center + size * gl::vec2{ 0, 0},
546 },
547 std::array<ImVec2, 5 + 1>{ // LEFT
548 center + size * gl::vec2{ 0, 0},
549 center + size * gl::vec2{-F, F},
550 center + size * gl::vec2{-1, F},
551 center + size * gl::vec2{-1, -F},
552 center + size * gl::vec2{-F, -F},
553 center + size * gl::vec2{ 0, 0},
554 },
555 std::array<ImVec2, 5 + 1>{ // RIGHT
556 center + size * gl::vec2{ 0, 0},
557 center + size * gl::vec2{ F, -F},
558 center + size * gl::vec2{ 1, -F},
559 center + size * gl::vec2{ 1, F},
560 center + size * gl::vec2{ F, F},
561 center + size * gl::vec2{ 0, 0},
562 },
563 };
565 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
566 auto hoverColor = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered);
568 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
569 for (auto i : xrange(4)) {
570 if (hovered[i] || (hoveredRow == i)) {
571 drawList->AddConvexPolyFilled(points[i].data(), 5, hoverColor);
572 }
573 drawList->AddPolyline(points[i].data(), 5 + 1, color, 0, thickness);
574 }
577static void drawFilledCircle(gl::vec2 center, float radius, bool fill)
579 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
580 if (fill) {
581 auto hoverColor = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered);
582 drawList->AddCircleFilled(center, radius, hoverColor);
583 }
584 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
585 drawList->AddCircle(center, radius, color, 0, thickness);
587static void drawFilledRectangle(Rectangle r, float corner, bool fill)
589 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
590 if (fill) {
591 auto hoverColor = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered);
592 drawList->AddRectFilled(r.topLeft, r.bottomRight, hoverColor, corner);
593 }
594 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
595 drawList->AddRect(r.topLeft, r.bottomRight, color, corner, 0, thickness);
598static void drawLetterA(gl::vec2 center)
600 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
601 auto tr = [&](gl::vec2 p) { return center + p; };
602 const std::array<ImVec2, 3> lines = { tr({-6, 7}), tr({0, -7}), tr({6, 7}) };
603 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
604 drawList->AddPolyline(, narrow<int>(lines.size()), color, 0, thickness);
605 drawList->AddLine(tr({-3, 1}), tr({3, 1}), color, thickness);
607static void drawLetterB(gl::vec2 center)
609 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
610 auto tr = [&](gl::vec2 p) { return center + p; };
611 const std::array<ImVec2, 4> lines = { tr({1, -7}), tr({-4, -7}), tr({-4, 7}), tr({2, 7}) };
612 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
613 drawList->AddPolyline(, narrow<int>(lines.size()), color, 0, thickness);
614 drawList->AddLine(tr({-4, -1}), tr({2, -1}), color, thickness);
615 drawList->AddBezierQuadratic(tr({1, -7}), tr({4, -7}), tr({4, -4}), color, thickness);
616 drawList->AddBezierQuadratic(tr({4, -4}), tr({4, -1}), tr({1, -1}), color, thickness);
617 drawList->AddBezierQuadratic(tr({2, -1}), tr({6, -1}), tr({6, 3}), color, thickness);
618 drawList->AddBezierQuadratic(tr({6, 3}), tr({6, 7}), tr({2, 7}), color, thickness);
620static void drawLetterC(gl::vec2 center)
622 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
623 auto tr = [&](gl::vec2 p) { return center + p; };
624 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
625 drawList->AddBezierCubic(tr({5, -5}), tr({-8, -16}), tr({-8, 16}), tr({5, 5}), color, thickness);
627static void drawLetterX(gl::vec2 center)
629 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
630 auto tr = [&](gl::vec2 p) { return center + p; };
631 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
632 drawList->AddLine(tr({-4, -6}), tr({4, 6}), color, thickness);
633 drawList->AddLine(tr({-4, 6}), tr({4, -6}), color, thickness);
635static void drawLetterY(gl::vec2 center)
637 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
638 auto tr = [&](gl::vec2 p) { return center + p; };
639 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
640 drawList->AddLine(tr({-4, -6}), tr({0, 0}), color, thickness);
641 drawList->AddLine(tr({-4, 6}), tr({4, -6}), color, thickness);
643static void drawLetterZ(gl::vec2 center)
645 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
646 auto tr = [&](gl::vec2 p) { return center + p; };
647 const std::array<ImVec2, 4> linesZ2 = { tr({-4, -6}), tr({4, -6}), tr({-4, 6}), tr({4, 6}) };
648 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
649 drawList->AddPolyline(, 4, color, 0, thickness);
652namespace msxjoystick {
656static constexpr std::array<zstring_view, NUM_BUTTONS> buttonNames = {
657 "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "A", "B" // show in the GUI
659static constexpr std::array<zstring_view, NUM_BUTTONS> keyNames = {
660 "UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "A", "B" // keys in Tcl dict
663// Customize joystick look
664static constexpr auto boundingBox = gl::vec2{300.0f, 100.0f};
665static constexpr auto radius = 20.0f;
666static constexpr auto corner = 10.0f;
667static constexpr auto centerA = gl::vec2{200.0f, 50.0f};
668static constexpr auto centerB = gl::vec2{260.0f, 50.0f};
669static constexpr auto centerDPad = gl::vec2{50.0f, 50.0f};
670static constexpr auto sizeDPad = 30.0f;
672[[nodiscard]] static std::vector<uint8_t> buttonsHovered(gl::vec2 mouse)
674 std::vector<uint8_t> result(NUM_BUTTONS); // false
675 auto mouseDPad = (mouse - centerDPad) * (1.0f / sizeDPad);
676 if (insideRectangle(mouseDPad, Rectangle{{-1, -1}, {1, 1}}) &&
677 (between(mouseDPad.x, -fractionDPad, fractionDPad) ||
678 between(mouseDPad.y, -fractionDPad, fractionDPad))) { // mouse over d-pad
679 bool t1 = mouseDPad.x < mouseDPad.y;
680 bool t2 = mouseDPad.x < -mouseDPad.y;
681 result[UP] = !t1 && t2;
682 result[DOWN] = t1 && !t2;
683 result[LEFT] = t1 && t2;
684 result[RIGHT] = !t1 && !t2;
685 }
686 result[TRIG_A] = insideCircle(mouse, centerA, radius);
687 result[TRIG_B] = insideCircle(mouse, centerB, radius);
688 return result;
691static void draw(gl::vec2 scrnPos, std::span<uint8_t> hovered, int hoveredRow)
693 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
695 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
696 drawList->AddRect(scrnPos, scrnPos + boundingBox, color, corner, 0, thickness);
698 drawDPad(scrnPos + centerDPad, sizeDPad, subspan<4>(hovered), hoveredRow);
700 auto scrnCenterA = scrnPos + centerA;
701 drawFilledCircle(scrnCenterA, radius, hovered[TRIG_A] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_A));
702 drawLetterA(scrnCenterA);
704 auto scrnCenterB = scrnPos + centerB;
705 drawFilledCircle(scrnCenterB, radius, hovered[TRIG_B] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_B));
706 drawLetterB(scrnCenterB);
709} // namespace msxjoystick
711namespace joymega {
713enum {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT,
719static constexpr std::array<zstring_view, NUM_BUTTONS> buttonNames = { // show in the GUI
720 "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right",
721 "A", "B", "C",
722 "X", "Y", "Z",
723 "Select", "Start",
725static constexpr std::array<zstring_view, NUM_BUTTONS> keyNames = { // keys in Tcl dict
726 "UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT",
727 "A", "B", "C",
728 "X", "Y", "Z",
729 "SELECT", "START",
732// Customize joystick look
733static constexpr auto thickness = 3.0f;
734static constexpr auto boundingBox = gl::vec2{300.0f, 158.0f};
735static constexpr auto centerA = gl::vec2{205.0f, 109.9f};
736static constexpr auto centerB = gl::vec2{235.9f, 93.5f};
737static constexpr auto centerC = gl::vec2{269.7f, 83.9f};
738static constexpr auto centerX = gl::vec2{194.8f, 75.2f};
739static constexpr auto centerY = gl::vec2{223.0f, 61.3f};
740static constexpr auto centerZ = gl::vec2{252.2f, 52.9f};
741static constexpr auto selectBox = Rectangle{gl::vec2{130.0f, 60.0f}, gl::vec2{160.0f, 70.0f}};
742static constexpr auto startBox = Rectangle{gl::vec2{130.0f, 86.0f}, gl::vec2{160.0f, 96.0f}};
743static constexpr auto radiusABC = 16.2f;
744static constexpr auto radiusXYZ = 12.2f;
745static constexpr auto centerDPad = gl::vec2{65.6f, 82.7f};
746static constexpr auto sizeDPad = 34.0f;
747static constexpr auto fractionDPad = 1.0f / 3.0f;
749[[nodiscard]] static std::vector<uint8_t> buttonsHovered(gl::vec2 mouse)
751 std::vector<uint8_t> result(NUM_BUTTONS); // false
752 auto mouseDPad = (mouse - centerDPad) * (1.0f / sizeDPad);
753 if (insideRectangle(mouseDPad, Rectangle{{-1, -1}, {1, 1}}) &&
754 (between(mouseDPad.x, -fractionDPad, fractionDPad) ||
755 between(mouseDPad.y, -fractionDPad, fractionDPad))) { // mouse over d-pad
756 bool t1 = mouseDPad.x < mouseDPad.y;
757 bool t2 = mouseDPad.x < -mouseDPad.y;
758 result[UP] = !t1 && t2;
759 result[DOWN] = t1 && !t2;
760 result[LEFT] = t1 && t2;
761 result[RIGHT] = !t1 && !t2;
762 }
763 result[TRIG_A] = insideCircle(mouse, centerA, radiusABC);
764 result[TRIG_B] = insideCircle(mouse, centerB, radiusABC);
765 result[TRIG_C] = insideCircle(mouse, centerC, radiusABC);
766 result[TRIG_X] = insideCircle(mouse, centerX, radiusXYZ);
767 result[TRIG_Y] = insideCircle(mouse, centerY, radiusXYZ);
768 result[TRIG_Z] = insideCircle(mouse, centerZ, radiusXYZ);
769 result[TRIG_START] = insideRectangle(mouse, startBox);
770 result[TRIG_SELECT] = insideRectangle(mouse, selectBox);
771 return result;
774static void draw(gl::vec2 scrnPos, std::span<uint8_t> hovered, int hoveredRow)
776 auto* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
777 auto tr = [&](gl::vec2 p) { return scrnPos + p; };
778 auto color = getColor(imColor::TEXT);
780 auto drawBezierCurve = [&](std::span<const gl::vec2> points, float thick = 1.0f) {
781 assert((points.size() % 2) == 0);
782 for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size() - 2; i += 2) {
783 auto ap = points[i + 0];
784 auto ad = points[i + 1];
785 auto bp = points[i + 2];
786 auto bd = points[i + 3];
787 drawList->AddBezierCubic(tr(ap), tr(ap + ad), tr(bp - bd), tr(bp), color, thick);
788 }
789 };
791 std::array outLine = {
792 gl::vec2{150.0f, 0.0f}, gl::vec2{ 23.1f, 0.0f},
793 gl::vec2{258.3f, 30.3f}, gl::vec2{ 36.3f, 26.4f},
794 gl::vec2{300.0f, 107.0f}, gl::vec2{ 0.0f, 13.2f},
795 gl::vec2{285.2f, 145.1f}, gl::vec2{ -9.9f, 9.9f},
796 gl::vec2{255.3f, 157.4f}, gl::vec2{ -9.0f, 0.0f},
797 gl::vec2{206.0f, 141.8f}, gl::vec2{-16.2f, -5.6f},
798 gl::vec2{150.0f, 131.9f}, gl::vec2{-16.5f, 0.0f},
799 gl::vec2{ 94.0f, 141.8f}, gl::vec2{-16.2f, 5.6f},
800 gl::vec2{ 44.7f, 157.4f}, gl::vec2{ -9.0f, 0.0f},
801 gl::vec2{ 14.8f, 145.1f}, gl::vec2{ -9.9f, -9.9f},
802 gl::vec2{ 0.0f, 107.0f}, gl::vec2{ 0.0f, -13.2f},
803 gl::vec2{ 41.7f, 30.3f}, gl::vec2{ 36.3f, -26.4f},
804 gl::vec2{150.0f, 0.0f}, gl::vec2{ 23.1f, 0.0f}, // closed loop
805 };
806 drawBezierCurve(outLine, thickness);
808 drawDPad(tr(centerDPad), sizeDPad, subspan<4>(hovered), hoveredRow);
809 drawList->AddCircle(tr(centerDPad), 43.0f, color);
810 std::array dPadCurve = {
811 gl::vec2{77.0f, 33.0f}, gl::vec2{ 69.2f, 0.0f},
812 gl::vec2{54.8f, 135.2f}, gl::vec2{-66.9f, 0.0f},
813 gl::vec2{77.0f, 33.0f}, gl::vec2{ 69.2f, 0.0f},
814 };
815 drawBezierCurve(dPadCurve);
817 drawFilledCircle(tr(centerA), radiusABC, hovered[TRIG_A] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_A));
818 drawLetterA(tr(centerA));
819 drawFilledCircle(tr(centerB), radiusABC, hovered[TRIG_B] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_B));
820 drawLetterB(tr(centerB));
821 drawFilledCircle(tr(centerC), radiusABC, hovered[TRIG_C] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_C));
822 drawLetterC(tr(centerC));
823 drawFilledCircle(tr(centerX), radiusXYZ, hovered[TRIG_X] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_X));
824 drawLetterX(tr(centerX));
825 drawFilledCircle(tr(centerY), radiusXYZ, hovered[TRIG_Y] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_Y));
826 drawLetterY(tr(centerY));
827 drawFilledCircle(tr(centerZ), radiusXYZ, hovered[TRIG_Z] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_Z));
828 drawLetterZ(tr(centerZ));
829 std::array buttonCurve = {
830 gl::vec2{221.1f, 28.9f}, gl::vec2{ 80.1f, 0.0f},
831 gl::vec2{236.9f, 139.5f}, gl::vec2{-76.8f, 0.0f},
832 gl::vec2{221.1f, 28.9f}, gl::vec2{ 80.1f, 0.0f},
833 };
834 drawBezierCurve(buttonCurve);
836 auto corner = (selectBox.bottomRight.y - selectBox.topLeft.y) * 0.5f;
837 auto trR = [&](Rectangle r) { return Rectangle{tr(r.topLeft), tr(r.bottomRight)}; };
838 drawFilledRectangle(trR(selectBox), corner, hovered[TRIG_SELECT] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_SELECT));
839 drawList->AddText(ImGui::GetFont(), ImGui::GetFontSize(), tr({123.0f, 46.0f}), color, "Select");
840 drawFilledRectangle(trR(startBox), corner, hovered[TRIG_START] || (hoveredRow == TRIG_START));
841 drawList->AddText(ImGui::GetFont(), ImGui::GetFontSize(), tr({128.0f, 97.0f}), color, "Start");
844} // namespace joymega
846void ImGuiSettings::paintJoystick(MSXMotherBoard& motherBoard)
848 ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(gl::vec2{316, 323}, ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
849 im::Window("Configure MSX joysticks", &showConfigureJoystick, [&]{
850 ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(13.0f * ImGui::GetFontSize());
851 im::Combo("Select joystick", joystickToGuiString(joystick).c_str(), [&]{
852 for (const auto& j : xrange(4)) {
853 if (ImGui::Selectable(joystickToGuiString(j).c_str())) {
854 joystick = j;
855 }
856 }
857 });
859 const auto& joystickManager = manager.getReactor().getInputEventGenerator().getJoystickManager();
860 const auto& controller = motherBoard.getMSXCommandController();
861 auto* setting = dynamic_cast<StringSetting*>(controller.findSetting(settingName(joystick)));
862 if (!setting) return;
863 auto& interp = setting->getInterpreter();
864 TclObject bindings = setting->getValue();
866 gl::vec2 scrnPos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
867 gl::vec2 mouse = gl::vec2(ImGui::GetIO().MousePos) - scrnPos;
869 // Check if buttons are hovered
870 bool msxOrMega = joystick < 2;
871 auto hovered = msxOrMega ? msxjoystick::buttonsHovered(mouse)
872 : joymega ::buttonsHovered(mouse);
873 const auto numButtons = hovered.size();
874 using SP = std::span<const zstring_view>;
875 auto keyNames = msxOrMega ? SP{msxjoystick::keyNames}
876 : SP{joymega ::keyNames};
877 auto buttonNames = msxOrMega ? SP{msxjoystick::buttonNames}
878 : SP{joymega ::buttonNames};
880 // Any joystick button clicked?
881 std::optional<int> addAction;
882 std::optional<int> removeAction;
883 if (ImGui::IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton_Left)) {
884 for (auto i : xrange(numButtons)) {
885 if (hovered[i]) addAction = narrow<int>(i);
886 }
887 }
889 ImGui::Dummy(msxOrMega ? msxjoystick::boundingBox : joymega::boundingBox); // reserve space for joystick drawing
891 // Draw table
892 int hoveredRow = -1;
893 const auto& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
894 auto textHeight = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
895 float rowHeight = 2.0f * style.FramePadding.y + textHeight;
896 float bottomHeight = style.ItemSpacing.y + 2.0f * style.FramePadding.y + textHeight;
897 im::Table("##joystick-table", 2, ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit | ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollX, {0.0f, -bottomHeight}, [&]{
898 im::ID_for_range(numButtons, [&](int i) {
899 TclObject key(keyNames[i]);
900 TclObject bindingList = bindings.getDictValue(interp, key);
901 if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
902 auto pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
903 ImGui::Selectable("##row", hovered[i], ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns | ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowOverlap, ImVec2(0, rowHeight));
904 if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
905 hoveredRow = i;
906 }
908 ImGui::SetCursorPos(pos);
909 ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding();
910 ImGui::TextUnformatted(buttonNames[i]);
911 }
912 if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
913 if (ImGui::Button("Add")) {
914 addAction = i;
915 }
916 ImGui::SameLine();
917 auto numBindings = bindingList.size();
918 im::Disabled(numBindings == 0, [&]{
919 if (ImGui::Button("Remove")) {
920 if (numBindings == 1) {
921 bindings.setDictValue(interp, key, TclObject{});
922 setting->setValue(bindings);
923 } else {
924 removeAction = i;
925 }
926 }
927 });
928 ImGui::SameLine();
929 if (numBindings == 0) {
930 ImGui::TextDisabled("no bindings");
931 } else {
932 size_t lastBindingIndex = numBindings - 1;
933 size_t bindingIndex = 0;
934 for (auto binding: bindingList) {
935 ImGui::TextUnformatted(binding);
936 simpleToolTip(toGuiString(*parseBooleanInput(binding), joystickManager));
937 if (bindingIndex < lastBindingIndex) {
938 ImGui::SameLine();
940 ImGui::SameLine();
941 }
942 ++bindingIndex;
943 }
944 }
945 }
946 });
947 });
948 msxOrMega ? msxjoystick::draw(scrnPos, hovered, hoveredRow)
949 : joymega ::draw(scrnPos, hovered, hoveredRow);
951 if (ImGui::Button("Default bindings...")) {
952 ImGui::OpenPopup("bindings");
953 }
954 im::Popup("bindings", [&]{
955 auto addOrSet = [&](auto getBindings) {
956 if (ImGui::MenuItem("Add to current bindings")) {
957 // merge 'newBindings' into 'bindings'
958 auto newBindings = getBindings();
959 for (auto k : xrange(int(numButtons))) {
960 TclObject key(keyNames[k]);
961 TclObject dstList = bindings.getDictValue(interp, key);
962 TclObject srcList = newBindings.getDictValue(interp, key);
963 // This is O(N^2), but that's fine (here).
964 for (auto b : srcList) {
965 if (!contains(dstList, b)) {
966 dstList.addListElement(b);
967 }
968 }
969 bindings.setDictValue(interp, key, dstList);
970 }
971 setting->setValue(bindings);
972 }
973 if (ImGui::MenuItem("Replace current bindings")) {
974 setting->setValue(getBindings());
975 }
976 };
977 im::Menu("Keyboard", [&]{
978 addOrSet([] {
979 return TclObject(TclObject::MakeDictTag{},
980 "UP", makeTclList("keyb Up"),
981 "DOWN", makeTclList("keyb Down"),
982 "LEFT", makeTclList("keyb Left"),
983 "RIGHT", makeTclList("keyb Right"),
984 "A", makeTclList("keyb Space"),
985 "B", makeTclList("keyb M"));
986 });
987 });
988 for (auto joyId : joystickManager.getConnectedJoysticks()) {
989 im::Menu(joystickManager.getDisplayName(joyId).c_str(), [&]{
990 addOrSet([&]{
991 return msxOrMega
992 ? MSXJoystick::getDefaultConfig(joyId, joystickManager)
993 : JoyMega::getDefaultConfig(joyId, joystickManager);
994 });
995 });
996 }
997 });
999 // Popup for 'Add'
1000 static constexpr auto addTitle = "Waiting for input";
1001 if (addAction) {
1002 popupForKey = *addAction;
1003 popupTimeout = 5.0f;
1004 initListener();
1005 ImGui::OpenPopup(addTitle);
1006 }
1007 im::PopupModal(addTitle, nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings, [&]{
1008 auto close = [&]{
1009 ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
1010 popupForKey = unsigned(-1);
1011 deinitListener();
1012 };
1013 if (popupForKey >= numButtons) {
1014 close();
1015 return;
1016 }
1018 ImGui::Text("Enter event for joystick button '%s'", buttonNames[popupForKey].c_str());
1019 ImGui::Text("Or press ESC to cancel. Timeout in %d seconds.", int(popupTimeout));
1021 popupTimeout -= ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime;
1022 if (popupTimeout <= 0.0f) {
1023 close();
1024 }
1025 });
1027 // Popup for 'Remove'
1028 if (removeAction) {
1029 popupForKey = *removeAction;
1030 ImGui::OpenPopup("remove");
1031 }
1032 im::Popup("remove", [&]{
1033 auto close = [&]{
1034 ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
1035 popupForKey = unsigned(-1);
1036 };
1037 if (popupForKey >= numButtons) {
1038 close();
1039 return;
1040 }
1041 TclObject key(keyNames[popupForKey]);
1042 TclObject bindingList = bindings.getDictValue(interp, key);
1044 unsigned remove = unsigned(-1);
1045 unsigned counter = 0;
1046 for (const auto& b : bindingList) {
1047 if (ImGui::Selectable(b.c_str())) {
1048 remove = counter;
1049 }
1050 simpleToolTip(toGuiString(*parseBooleanInput(b), joystickManager));
1051 ++counter;
1052 }
1053 if (remove != unsigned(-1)) {
1054 bindingList.removeListIndex(interp, remove);
1055 bindings.setDictValue(interp, key, bindingList);
1056 setting->setValue(bindings);
1057 close();
1058 }
1060 if (ImGui::Selectable("all bindings")) {
1061 bindings.setDictValue(interp, key, TclObject{});
1062 setting->setValue(bindings);
1063 close();
1064 }
1065 });
1066 });
1069void ImGuiSettings::paintFont()
1071 im::Window("Select font", &showFont, [&]{
1072 auto selectFilename = [&](FilenameSetting& setting, float width) {
1073 auto display = [](std::string_view name) {
1074 if (name.ends_with(".gz" )) name.remove_suffix(3);
1075 if (name.ends_with(".ttf")) name.remove_suffix(4);
1076 return std::string(name);
1077 };
1078 auto current = setting.getString();
1079 ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(width);
1080 im::Combo(tmpStrCat("##", setting.getBaseName()).c_str(), display(current).c_str(), [&]{
1081 for (const auto& font : getAvailableFonts()) {
1082 if (ImGui::Selectable(display(font).c_str(), current == font)) {
1083 setting.setString(font);
1084 }
1085 }
1086 });
1087 };
1088 auto selectSize = [](IntegerSetting& setting) {
1089 auto display = [](int s) { return strCat(s); };
1090 auto current = setting.getInt();
1091 ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(4.0f * ImGui::GetFontSize());
1092 im::Combo(tmpStrCat("##", setting.getBaseName()).c_str(), display(current).c_str(), [&]{
1093 for (int size : {9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32}) {
1094 if (ImGui::Selectable(display(size).c_str(), current == size)) {
1095 setting.setInt(size);
1096 }
1097 }
1098 });
1099 };
1101 auto pos = ImGui::CalcTextSize("Monospace").x + 2.0f * ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x;
1102 auto width = 12.0f * ImGui::GetFontSize(); // filename ComboBox (boxes are drawn with different font, but we want same width)
1104 ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding();
1105 ImGui::TextUnformatted("Normal");
1106 ImGui::SameLine(pos);
1107 selectFilename(manager.fontPropFilename, width);
1108 ImGui::SameLine();
1109 selectSize(manager.fontPropSize);
1110 HelpMarker("You can install more fonts by copying .ttf file(s) to your \"<openmsx>/share/skins\" directory.");
1112 ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding();
1113 ImGui::TextUnformatted("Monospace");
1114 ImGui::SameLine(pos);
1115 im::Font(manager.fontMono, [&]{
1116 selectFilename(manager.fontMonoFilename, width);
1117 });
1118 ImGui::SameLine();
1119 selectSize(manager.fontMonoSize);
1120 HelpMarker("Some GUI elements (e.g. the console) require a monospaced font.");
1121 });
1124[[nodiscard]] static std::string formatShortcutWithAnnotations(const Shortcuts::Shortcut& shortcut)
1126 auto result = getKeyChordName(shortcut.keyChord);
1127 // don't show the 'ALWAYS_xxx' values
1128 if (shortcut.type == Shortcuts::Type::GLOBAL) result += ", global";
1129 return result;
1132[[nodiscard]] static gl::vec2 buttonSize(std::string_view text, float defaultSize_)
1134 const auto& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
1135 auto textSize = ImGui::CalcTextSize(text).x + 2.0f * style.FramePadding.x;
1136 auto defaultSize = ImGui::GetFontSize() * defaultSize_;
1137 return {std::max(textSize, defaultSize), 0.0f};
1140void ImGuiSettings::paintEditShortcut()
1142 using enum Shortcuts::Type;
1144 bool editShortcutWindow = editShortcutId != Shortcuts::ID::INVALID;
1145 if (!editShortcutWindow) return;
1147 im::Window("Edit shortcut", &editShortcutWindow, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize, [&]{
1148 auto& shortcuts = manager.getShortcuts();
1149 auto shortcut = shortcuts.getShortcut(editShortcutId);
1151 im::Table("table", 2, [&]{
1152 ImGui::TableSetupColumn("", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed);
1153 ImGui::TableSetupColumn("", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch);
1155 if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
1156 ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding();
1158 }
1159 static constexpr auto waitKeyTitle = "Waiting for key";
1160 if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
1161 auto text = getKeyChordName(shortcut.keyChord);
1162 if (ImGui::Button(text.c_str(), buttonSize(text, 4.0f))) {
1163 popupTimeout = 10.0f;
1165 ImGui::OpenPopup(waitKeyTitle);
1166 }
1167 }
1168 bool isOpen = true;
1169 im::PopupModal(waitKeyTitle, &isOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize, [&]{
1170 ImGui::Text("Enter key combination for shortcut '%s'",
1171 Shortcuts::getShortcutDescription(editShortcutId).c_str());
1172 ImGui::Text("Timeout in %d seconds.", int(popupTimeout));
1174 popupTimeout -= ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime;
1175 if (!isOpen || popupTimeout <= 0.0f) {
1176 ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
1177 }
1178 if (auto keyChord = getCurrentlyPressedKeyChord(); keyChord != ImGuiKey_None) {
1179 shortcut.keyChord = keyChord;
1180 shortcuts.setShortcut(editShortcutId, shortcut);
1181 editShortcutWindow = false;
1182 ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
1183 }
1184 });
1186 if (shortcut.type == one_of(LOCAL, GLOBAL)) { // don't edit the 'ALWAYS_xxx' values
1187 if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
1188 ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding();
1189 ImGui::TextUnformatted("global");
1190 }
1191 if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
1192 bool global = shortcut.type == GLOBAL;
1193 if (ImGui::Checkbox("##global", &global)) {
1194 shortcut.type = global ? GLOBAL : LOCAL;
1195 shortcuts.setShortcut(editShortcutId, shortcut);
1196 }
1198 "Global shortcuts react when any GUI window has focus.\n"
1199 "Local shortcuts only react when the specific GUI window has focus.\n"sv);
1200 }
1201 }
1202 });
1203 ImGui::Separator();
1204 const auto& defaultShortcut = Shortcuts::getDefaultShortcut(editShortcutId);
1205 im::Disabled(shortcut == defaultShortcut, [&]{
1206 if (ImGui::Button("Restore default")) {
1207 shortcuts.setShortcut(editShortcutId, defaultShortcut);
1208 editShortcutWindow = false;
1209 }
1210 simpleToolTip([&]{ return formatShortcutWithAnnotations(defaultShortcut); });
1211 });
1213 ImGui::SameLine();
1214 im::Disabled(shortcut == Shortcuts::Shortcut{}, [&]{
1215 if (ImGui::Button("Set None")) {
1216 shortcuts.setShortcut(editShortcutId, Shortcuts::Shortcut{});
1217 editShortcutWindow = false;
1218 }
1219 simpleToolTip("Set no binding for this shortcut"sv);
1220 });
1221 });
1222 if (!editShortcutWindow) editShortcutId = Shortcuts::ID::INVALID;
1225void ImGuiSettings::paintShortcut()
1227 im::Window("Edit shortcuts", &showShortcut, [&]{
1228 int flags = ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable
1229 | ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg
1230 | ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBodyUntilResize
1231 | ImGuiTableFlags_SizingStretchProp;
1232 im::Table("table", 2, flags, {-FLT_MIN, 0.0f}, [&]{
1233 ImGui::TableSetupColumn("description");
1234 ImGui::TableSetupColumn("key");
1236 const auto& shortcuts = manager.getShortcuts();
1237 im::ID_for_range(to_underlying(Shortcuts::ID::NUM), [&](int i) {
1238 auto id = static_cast<Shortcuts::ID>(i);
1239 auto shortcut = shortcuts.getShortcut(id);
1241 if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
1242 ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding();
1243 ImGui::TextUnformatted(Shortcuts::getShortcutDescription(id));
1244 }
1245 if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
1246 auto text = formatShortcutWithAnnotations(shortcut);
1247 if (ImGui::Button(text.c_str(), buttonSize(text, 9.0f))) {
1248 editShortcutId = id;
1250 }
1251 }
1252 });
1253 });
1254 });
1255 paintEditShortcut();
1258void ImGuiSettings::paint(MSXMotherBoard* motherBoard)
1260 if (selectedStyle < 0) {
1261 // triggers when loading "imgui.ini" did not select a style
1262 selectedStyle = 0; // dark (also the default (recommended) Dear ImGui style)
1263 setStyle();
1264 }
1265 if (motherBoard && showConfigureJoystick) paintJoystick(*motherBoard);
1266 if (showFont) paintFont();
1267 if (showShortcut) paintShortcut();
1270std::span<const std::string> ImGuiSettings::getAvailableFonts()
1272 if (availableFonts.empty()) {
1273 for (const auto& context = systemFileContext();
1274 const auto& path : context.getPaths()) {
1275 foreach_file(FileOperations::join(path, "skins"), [&](const std::string& /*fullName*/, std::string_view name) {
1276 if (name.ends_with(".ttf.gz") || name.ends_with(".ttf")) {
1277 availableFonts.emplace_back(name);
1278 }
1279 });
1280 }
1281 // sort and remove duplicates
1282 ranges::sort(availableFonts);
1283 availableFonts.erase(ranges::unique(availableFonts), end(availableFonts));
1284 }
1285 return availableFonts;
1288bool ImGuiSettings::signalEvent(const Event& event)
1290 bool msxOrMega = joystick < 2;
1291 using SP = std::span<const zstring_view>;
1292 auto keyNames = msxOrMega ? SP{msxjoystick::keyNames}
1293 : SP{joymega ::keyNames};
1294 if (const auto numButtons = keyNames.size(); popupForKey >= numButtons) {
1295 deinitListener();
1296 return false; // don't block
1297 }
1299 bool escape = false;
1300 if (const auto* keyDown = get_event_if<KeyDownEvent>(event)) {
1301 escape = keyDown->getKeyCode() == SDLK_ESCAPE;
1302 }
1303 if (!escape) {
1304 auto getJoyDeadZone = [&](JoystickId joyId) {
1305 const auto& joyMan = manager.getReactor().getInputEventGenerator().getJoystickManager();
1306 const auto* setting = joyMan.getJoyDeadZoneSetting(joyId);
1307 return setting ? setting->getInt() : 0;
1308 };
1309 auto b = captureBooleanInput(event, getJoyDeadZone);
1310 if (!b) return true; // keep popup active
1311 auto bs = toString(*b);
1313 auto* motherBoard = manager.getReactor().getMotherBoard();
1314 if (!motherBoard) return true;
1315 const auto& controller = motherBoard->getMSXCommandController();
1316 auto* setting = dynamic_cast<StringSetting*>(controller.findSetting(settingName(joystick)));
1317 if (!setting) return true;
1318 auto& interp = setting->getInterpreter();
1320 TclObject bindings = setting->getValue();
1321 TclObject key(keyNames[popupForKey]);
1322 TclObject bindingList = bindings.getDictValue(interp, key);
1324 if (!contains(bindingList, bs)) {
1325 bindingList.addListElement(bs);
1326 bindings.setDictValue(interp, key, bindingList);
1327 setting->setValue(bindings);
1328 }
1329 }
1331 popupForKey = unsigned(-1); // close popup
1332 return true; // block event
1335void ImGuiSettings::initListener()
1337 if (listening) return;
1338 listening = true;
1340 auto& distributor = manager.getReactor().getEventDistributor();
1341 // highest priority (higher than HOTKEY and IMGUI)
1342 using enum EventType;
1343 for (auto type : {KEY_DOWN, MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN,
1345 distributor.registerEventListener(type, *this);
1346 }
1349void ImGuiSettings::deinitListener()
1351 if (!listening) return;
1352 listening = false;
1354 auto& distributor = manager.getReactor().getEventDistributor();
1355 using enum EventType;
1356 for (auto type : {JOY_AXIS_MOTION, JOY_HAT, JOY_BUTTON_DOWN,
1358 distributor.unregisterEventListener(type, *this);
1359 }
1362} // namespace openmsx
BaseSetting * setting
uintptr_t id
const char * c_str() const
std::string_view getBaseName() const
Definition Setting.hh:38
A Setting with a floating point value.
std::unique_ptr< ImGuiSoundChip > soundChip
std::unique_ptr< ImGuiMessages > messages
std::unique_ptr< ImGuiOsdIcons > osdIcons
ImGuiManager & manager
Definition ImGuiPart.hh:30
void save(ImGuiTextBuffer &buf) override
void showMenu(MSXMotherBoard *motherBoard) override
void loadLine(std::string_view name, zstring_view value) override
void loadEnd() override
A Setting with an integer value.
auto * getR800()
Definition MSXCPU.hh:152
auto * getZ80()
Definition MSXCPU.hh:151
VideoSourceSetting & getVideoSource()
MSXCommandController & getMSXCommandController()
GlobalSettings & getGlobalSettings()
Definition Reactor.hh:117
Scaler algorithm.
Like std::string_view, but with the extra guarantee that it refers to a zero-terminated string.
auto CalcTextSize(std::string_view str)
Definition ImGuiUtils.hh:39
void TextUnformatted(const std::string &str)
Definition ImGuiUtils.hh:26
vecN< 2, float > vec2
Definition gl_vec.hh:382
constexpr T sum(const vecN< N, T > &x)
Definition gl_vec.hh:472
constexpr vecN< N, T > max(const vecN< N, T > &x, const vecN< N, T > &y)
Definition gl_vec.hh:449
void DisabledIndent(bool b, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:514
void Table(const char *str_id, int column, ImGuiTableFlags flags, const ImVec2 &outer_size, float inner_width, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:455
void Window(const char *name, bool *p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:63
void PopupContextItem(const char *str_id, ImGuiPopupFlags popup_flags, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:421
bool TreeNode(const char *label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:302
void Combo(const char *label, const char *preview_value, ImGuiComboFlags flags, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:289
void ListBox(const char *label, const ImVec2 &size, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:328
void PopupModal(const char *name, bool *p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:404
bool Menu(const char *label, bool enabled, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:359
void Disabled(bool b, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:506
void Font(ImFont *font, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:131
void Indent(float indent_w, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:224
void Popup(const char *str_id, ImGuiWindowFlags flags, std::invocable<> auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:391
void ID_for_range(std::integral auto count, std::invocable< int > auto next)
Definition ImGuiCpp.hh:281
string_view stripExtension(string_view path)
Returns the path without extension.
string_view getFilename(string_view path)
Returns the file portion of a path name.
int unlink(zstring_view path)
Call unlink() in a platform-independent manner.
This file implemented 3 utility functions:
const FileContext & systemFileContext()
std::optional< BooleanInput > captureBooleanInput(const Event &event, function_ref< int(JoystickId)> getJoyDeadZone)
Definition Event.hh:454
bool Checkbox(const HotKey &hotKey, BooleanSetting &setting)
bool SliderFloat(FloatSetting &setting, const char *format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
void centerNextWindowOverCurrent()
bool SliderInt(IntegerSetting &setting, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
void ComboBox(const char *label, Setting &setting, function_ref< std::string(const std::string &)> displayValue, EnumToolTips toolTips)
bool loadOnePersistent(std::string_view name, zstring_view value, C &c, const std::tuple< Elements... > &tup)
void simpleToolTip(std::string_view desc)
Definition ImGuiUtils.hh:79
void savePersistent(ImGuiTextBuffer &buf, C &c, const std::tuple< Elements... > &tup)
std::string getShortCutForCommand(const HotKey &hotkey, std::string_view command)
void HelpMarker(std::string_view desc)
std::optional< BooleanInput > parseBooleanInput(std::string_view text)
bool InputText(Setting &setting)
ImU32 getColor(imColor col)
void setColors(int style)
std::string getKeyChordName(ImGuiKeyChord keyChord)
std::string toString(const BooleanInput &input)
bool foreach_file(std::string path, FileAction fileAction)
TclObject makeTclList(Args &&... args)
Definition TclObject.hh:293
FileContext userDataFileContext(string_view subDir)
auto unique(ForwardRange &&range)
Definition ranges.hh:224
auto remove(ForwardRange &&range, const T &value)
Definition ranges.hh:291
auto find(InputRange &&range, const T &value)
Definition ranges.hh:162
constexpr void replace(ForwardRange &&range, const T &old_value, const T &new_value)
Definition ranges.hh:303
constexpr void sort(RandomAccessRange &&range)
Definition ranges.hh:51
size_t size(std::string_view utf8)
constexpr auto to_underlying(E e) noexcept
Definition stl.hh:468
constexpr bool contains(ITER first, ITER last, const VAL &val)
Check if a range contains a given value, using linear search.
Definition stl.hh:35
std::string strCat()
Definition strCat.hh:703
TemporaryString tmpStrCat(Ts &&... ts)
Definition strCat.hh:742
constexpr auto xrange(T e)
Definition xrange.hh:132
constexpr auto end(const zstring_view &x)