Go to the documentation of this file.
1#ifndef HQCOMMON_HH
2#define HQCOMMON_HH
4#include "endian.hh"
5#include "narrow.hh"
6#include "xrange.hh"
7#include <cassert>
8#include <cstdint>
9#include <span>
11namespace openmsx {
13struct EdgeHQ
15 [[nodiscard]] inline bool operator()(uint32_t c1, uint32_t c2) const
16 {
17 if (c1 == c2) return false;
19 unsigned r1 = (c1 >> 0) & 0xFF;
20 unsigned g1 = (c1 >> 8) & 0xFF;
21 unsigned b1 = (c1 >> 16) & 0xFF;
23 unsigned r2 = (c2 >> 0) & 0xFF;
24 unsigned g2 = (c2 >> 8) & 0xFF;
25 unsigned b2 = (c2 >> 16) & 0xFF;
27 auto dr = narrow_cast<int>(r1 - r2);
28 auto dg = narrow_cast<int>(g1 - g2);
29 auto db = narrow_cast<int>(b1 - b2);
31 int dy = dr + dg + db;
32 if (dy < -0xC0 || dy > 0xC0) return true;
34 if (int du = dr - db;
35 du < -0x1C || du > 0x1C) return true;
37 if (int dv = 3 * dg - dy;
38 dv < -0x30 || dv > 0x30) return true;
40 return false;
41 }
46 [[nodiscard]] inline bool operator()(uint32_t c1, uint32_t c2) const
47 {
48 return c1 != c2;
49 }
52template<typename EdgeOp>
53void calcEdgesGL(std::span<const uint32_t> curr, std::span<const uint32_t> next,
54 std::span<Endian::L32> edges2, EdgeOp edgeOp)
56 // Consider a grid of 3x3 pixels, numbered like this:
57 // 1 | 2 | 3
58 // ---A---B---
59 // 4 | 5 | 6
60 // ---C---D---
61 // 7 | 8 | 9
62 // Then we calculate 12 'edges':
63 // * 8 star-edges, from the central pixel '5' to the 8 neighboring pixels.
64 // Let's call these edges 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 (note: 5 is skipped).
65 // * 4 cross-edges, between pixels (2,4), (2,6), (4,8), (6,8).
66 // Let's call these respectively A, B, C, D.
67 // An edge between two pixels means the color of the two pixels is sufficiently distant.
68 // * For the HQ scaler see 'EdgeHQ' for the definition of this distance function.
69 // * The HQlite scaler uses a much simpler distance function.
70 //
71 // We store these 12 edges in a 16-bit value and order them like this:
72 // (MSB (bit 15) on the left, LSB (bit 0) on the left, 'x' means bit is not used)
73 // || B 3 6 9 | D 2 x x || 8 1 A 4 | C 7 x x ||
74 // This order has two important properties:
75 // * The 12 bits are split in 2 groups of 6 bits and each group is MSB
76 // aligned within a byte. This allows to upload this data as a
77 // openGL texture and interpret each texel as a vec2 which
78 // represents a texture coordinate in another 64x64 texture.
79 // * This order allows to calculate the edges incrementally:
80 // Suppose we already calculated the edges for the pixel immediate
81 // above and immediately to the left of the current pixel. Then the edges
82 // (1, 2, 3, A, B) can be calculated as: (upper << 3) & 0xc460
83 // and (4, 7, C) can be calculated as: (left >> 9) & 0x001C
84 // And only edges (6, 8, 9, D) must be newly calculated for this pixel.
85 // So only 4 new edges per pixel instead of all 12.
86 //
87 // This function takes as input:
88 // * an in/out-array 'edges2':
89 // This contains the edge information for the upper row of pixels.
90 // And it gets update in-place to the edge information of the current
91 // row of pixels.
92 // * 2 rows of input pixels: the middle and the lower pixel rows.
93 // * An edge-function (to distinguish 'hq' from 'hqlite').
95 auto size = curr.size();
96 assert(next.size() == size);
97 assert(2 * edges2.size() == size);
99 using Pixel = uint32_t;
101 uint32_t pattern = 0;
102 Pixel c5 = curr[0];
103 Pixel c8 = next[0];
104 if (edgeOp(c5, c8)) pattern |= 0x1800'0000; // edges: 9,D (right pixel)
106 auto size2 = size / 2;
107 for (auto xx : xrange(size2 - 1)) {
108 pattern = (pattern >> (16 + 9)) & 0x001C; // edges: 6,D,9 -> 4,7,C (left pixel)
109 pattern |= (edges2[xx] << 3) & 0xC460'C460; // edges C,8,D,7,9 -> 1,2,3,A,B (left and right)
111 if (edgeOp(c5, c8)) pattern |= 0x0000'0080; // edge: 8 (left)
112 Pixel c6 = curr[2 * xx + 1];
113 if (edgeOp(c6, c8)) pattern |= 0x0004'0800; // edge: D (left), 7 (right)
114 if (edgeOp(c5, c6)) pattern |= 0x0010'2000; // edge: 6 (left), 4 (right)
115 Pixel c9 = next[2 * xx + 1];
116 if (edgeOp(c5, c9)) pattern |= 0x0008'1000; // edge: 9 (left), C (right)
118 if (edgeOp(c6, c9)) pattern |= 0x0080'0000; // edge: 8 (right)
119 c5 = curr[2 * xx + 2];
120 if (edgeOp(c5, c9)) pattern |= 0x0800'0000; // edge: D (right)
121 if (edgeOp(c6, c5)) pattern |= 0x2000'0000; // edge: 6 (right)
122 c8 = next[2 * xx + 2];
123 if (edgeOp(c6, c8)) pattern |= 0x1000'0000; // edge: 9 (right)
125 edges2[xx] = pattern;
126 }
128 pattern = (pattern >> (16 + 9)) & 0x001C; // edges: 6,D,9 -> 4,7,C (left pixel)
129 pattern |= (edges2[size2 - 1] << 3) & 0xC460'C460; // edges: C,8,D,7,9 -> 1,2,3,A,B (left and right)
131 if (edgeOp(c5, c8)) pattern |= 0x0000'0080; // edge: 8 (left)
132 Pixel c6 = curr[size - 1];
133 if (edgeOp(c6, c8)) pattern |= 0x0004'0800; // edge: D (left), 7 (right)
134 if (edgeOp(c5, c6)) pattern |= 0x0010'2000; // edge: 6 (left), 4 (right)
135 Pixel c9 = next[size - 1];
136 if (edgeOp(c5, c9)) pattern |= 0x0008'1000; // edge: 9 (left), C (right)
138 if (edgeOp(c6, c9)) pattern |= 0x1880'0000; // edges: 8,9,D (right)
140 edges2[size2 - 1] = pattern;
143} // namespace openmsx
This file implemented 3 utility functions:
CharacterConverter::Pixel Pixel
void calcEdgesGL(std::span< const uint32_t > curr, std::span< const uint32_t > next, std::span< Endian::L32 > edges2, EdgeOp edgeOp)
Definition HQCommon.hh:53
bool operator()(uint32_t c1, uint32_t c2) const
Definition HQCommon.hh:46
bool operator()(uint32_t c1, uint32_t c2) const
Definition HQCommon.hh:15
constexpr auto xrange(T e)
Definition xrange.hh:132