#include "gl_mat.hh"
#include "gl_vec.hh"
Go to the source code of this file.
constexpr mat4 | gl::scale (const vec3 &xyz) |
constexpr mat4 | gl::scale (const mat4 &A, const vec3 &xyz) |
constexpr mat4 | gl::translate (const vec3 &xyz) |
constexpr mat4 | gl::translate (mat4 &A, const vec3 &xyz) |
mat4 | gl::rotate (float angle, const vec3 &axis) |
mat4 | gl::rotate (const mat4 &A, float angle, const vec3 &axis) |
mat4 | gl::rotateX (float angle) |
mat4 | gl::rotateX (const mat4 &A, float angle) |
mat4 | gl::rotateY (float angle) |
mat4 | gl::rotateY (const mat4 &A, float angle) |
mat4 | gl::rotateZ (float angle) |
mat4 | gl::rotateZ (const mat4 &A, float angle) |
constexpr mat4 | gl::ortho (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearVal, float farVal) |
constexpr mat4 | gl::ortho (float width, float height) |
constexpr mat4 | gl::frustum (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearVal, float farVal) |